Dickinsonian, February 27, 1976

Student body slightly prefers old grading system to new plus-minus system. College plans Mock Convention for April. Seth Ray, Steve Bartolett and Matt Creme triumph in Student Senate elections. Lilly Endowment sends over $200,000 to College which will help launch COLE program. John Kemeny wins Joseph Priestley Award. "Eating Out" reviews The Bellaire House (3/5 stars) and The Backroom Discotheque (2/5). "In Depth" explores tenure controversy. Library installs 13 students as security checkers.

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Dickinsonian, December 2, 1976

An 86-year-old tradition was revived at Dickinson, with the inter-society debates between the Belles Lettres and the Union Philosophical Society. A study abroad trip to England is offered for the summer with a focus in Astronomy and Geology. A report was published in the paper by the Task Force on Residential and Social Life, which discussed housing solutions such as with group, special interest, freshman, self-governance, coed, and fraternities. Clyde Vedder, Captain of the swim team, lead the team to victory and has been the top swimmer for the past three seasons.

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Dickinsonian, November 22, 1976

In this edition, a tuition increase was issued, which raised tuition to about $300 more for the '77-'78 school year. The Affirmative Action Committee of Dickinson College is reviewing and revising the Title IX (against sex discrimination) self-study. Apparently the AAC recommended that the Raven's Claw and Wheel and Chain societies be excluded from the campus, since both are only all-male or all-female members.

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Dickinsonian, November 11, 1976

In this issue, the College Store's price increases by 20% have been proven unprofitable. Another article discussed the legalization of Marijuana and how it could soon become a reality. Disapproval was expressed by students in an article on the changes in housing, specifically fraternity houses. The Dickinson College Follies presented, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" and was a huge success. An article called for the saving of the Appalachian trail, due to encroaching development. The men's soccer team won the record for most wins (nine) than any other year.

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Dickinsonian, November 4, 1976

In this issue, Jimmy Carter is elected President of the United States. A revision to the grading pass/fail system by the Academic Standards Committee adopted C- as a failure. The Women's Intramural Program had eleven teams enter into the volleyball competition and there were 24 women entered into a Tennis Tournament, the largest ever.


Dickinsonian, October 28, 1976

The Board of Trustees voted unanimously "in favor of implementation of the proposals put forth by the Task Team on College/Fraternity Relations." There are more articles discussing the Presidential race between Jimmy Carter and President Gerald Ford. The Central Pennsylvania Consortium offers Dickinson students a chance to study abroad in Colombia for a semester at the Universidad Bolivariana. College President Sam Banks awards the class of 1921 the annual 'Dickinson Fund Loyalty Award', accepted on behalf of Paul R. Walker '21.

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Dickinsonian, October 21, 1976

In this issue, former Dickinson College President, Dr. Howard L. Rubendall, reminisces about his time at Dickinson College. The Nisbet Scholars Program has proved beneficial and fulfilling to its participants. An article discusses the first ever televised Vice-Presidential debates between Robert "Bob" Dole and Walter F. Mondale. The Trustees discuss the idea of building a new gym, since the one the students currently use is outdated and small.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1976

In this issue, there is more discussion about the Ford/Carter Presidential debates, especially on foreign policy. The Faculty Committee rejects a proposal by the nontenured faculty who wished to replace tenure with a contract system that would hire professors for a certain amount of years. Assistant news director for the College, Jeff Wiles, resigned from his position. Title IX, "the federal remedy for sex discrimination in higher education," has caused disputes at colleges across the country, including Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, October 7, 1976

In this edition, an energy monitoring system has been established, hoping to reduce the college's estimated energy bill of $570,000 by $90,000. A Career Advising system was introduced into the school system under the Counseling Center. An experiment (called CROW) with the idea of women living in fraternities is going well so far. Student Senate President, Seth Ray, has optimistic and exciting plans for the upcoming year, hoping to review the whole structure of the College's judicial board. An article calls for equality between male and female athletics.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1976

A women's health program is introduced on campus, allowing women to see a gynecologist free of charge. The women's field hockey team, coached by Kathleen Barber and Lee Ann Wagner, won 5-1 against Lebanon Valley. Professor Gerald Petrucelli, who teaches Modern Languages, was featured in a videotape commissioned by the Institute of Modern Languages. An article discussed the Presidential debates between President Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and whether they should be defined as "debates." Phi Kap and SAE lead intramural fraternity football.

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Dickinsonian, September 23, 1976

Dean George Allan decides to remain as College dean for another year, rather than resume his full-time professorship with the philosophy department. Professor Ned Rosenbaum, coordinator of the Judaic Studies program, resides in Israel with his family for the year and studies at Israel University. Soccer is becoming more popular on campus, across the United States. More discussion on the "Task Force on Social and Residential Life" committee.

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Dickinsonian, September 16, 1976

This edition features discussions about Jimmy Carter and his recent Democratic nomination. Women's athletic programs have been now offering their participants more variety, as both Women's Volleyball and Field Hockey will be offered in the Fall. Professor Sylvester Kohut Jr., of the Psychology-Education Department, recently wrote a book for the National Education Association's "What Research Says to the Teacher" series.

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Dickinsonian, September 9, 1976

In this edition a "Report of the Task Force on Social and Residential Life" was featured. President Sam Banks mainly addressed fraternities and fraternity life, especially with ideas of equality between non-fraternity and fraternity groups, as well as the College-fraternity relationship. Two new personnel were hired: John Ross for the position of Public Relations Director and John Johnston for the position of head baseball coach/assistant football coach.

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Dickinsonian, September 1, 1976

Dr. John Harris, Jr. and Samuel Witwer, Jr. chosen as College Trustees. Prof. Marjorie Fitzpatrick helps obtain French-Canadian literature for Library. Prof. Eugene Rosi begins work for Office of Health, Education and Welfare in D.C. College installs PDP 1155 computer. Pres. Sam Banks participates in staged press conference for journalism class. John Johnston is named Assistant Football and Head Baseball Coach. Incoming freshman class to be third largest in College's history. Adams Basement Committee's project to create a social gathering place "in full swing." Prof. H.

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Dickinsonian, August 12, 1976

Incoming freshman class to be third largest in College's history. College works to install DEC 1155 computer. ROTC program "getting stronger." Reporter Art Geiselman speaks to journalism class. Evening Sentinel editor Neil Hopp and College news office director John Ross also speak to class. Steve Parker '73 and his horseshoeing occupation are profiled. Prof. Sylvester Kohut publishes The Middle School: A Bridge Between Elementary and Secondary Schools. Campus undergoes "busy construction." Switchboard operator June Kunkle interviewed.


Dickinsonian, August 5, 1976

Pres. Sam Banks participates in staged press conference for journalism class. Veterinarian and Hempt Farms manager Nelson Wert is profiled. John Johnston is named Assistant Football and Head Baseball Coach. Prof. Eugene Rosi begins work for Office of Health, Education and Welfare in D.C.


Dickinsonian, July 29, 1976

John Ross assumes position as Director of Public Relations. Col. Al Mock discusses media and Vietnam War in College's journalism class. Diets of the Washington Redskins, in Carlisle for training, are discussed. College Counselor Howard Figler begins work on Career Oriented Liberal Education (COLE). Retiring Vice Pres. George Shuman recalls his time at Dickinson. Prof. Ralph Slotten takes interest in Carlisle folk-culture.


Dickinsonian, July 22, 1976

Prof. Leon Fitts offers History and Archaeology of Roman Britain. The Washington Redskins, currently training in Carlisle, strive to continue their "winning formula." Adams Basement Committee begins work on new campus social gathering place. Prof. Clarke Garrett to teach summer course Witchcraft. Introductory Social Work to be taught by Robert Mutzel. Doug Marcello of WDCV recalls experience at Democratic National Convention.


Dickinsonian, July 1, 1976

Up to 1,000 cyclists plan to participate in League of Wheelmen's '76 Bikecentennial convention in Carlisle. Prof. Richard Sia, Vice Pres. George Shuman, and librarian Cordelia Neitz announce retirements. World Cheerleader Council conducts session at College. Peter Verhoeven captures "Bicentennial Faces" in photo supplement.


Dickinsonian, June 18, 1976

Michael Bell of Indiana and Purdue Universities offers American Folklore summer course. Trustees elect two new members: Samuel Witwer, Jr., and Thomas Zug. Prof. Howard Long wins Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching. Seniors present award to Prof. William Jeffries. The Toronto Consort to perform at College. Local photographer Charles Isaacs, Jr.'s prints of Vietnamese emigrants are on display in New York City.


Dickinsonian, April 23, 1976

Students plan picket for Other Players' show, claiming it is "in poor taste and pointless." Freshman Karen Smith to run as delegate to Democratic National Convention. As part of National Student Symposium on the Presidency, senior Steve Joseph is to meet Pres. Gerald Ford. The HUB will hold a forum on nuclear fusion power. In a decision that has College community "upset," Social Violations Hearing Board overturns a suspension toward two Beta Theta Pi brothers who "allegedly used smoke bombs" on two independents. Senior Ron Reisman relate Egyptian travels.

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Dickinsonian, April 16, 1976

Artist Lynda Frese to display drawing and etchings in HUB. Student International Meditation Society holds informational lecture. Mo Udall wins Mock Political Convention election. The Hole In The Wall restaurant is favorably reviewed in "Eating Out." Photographer J. Hwa Shik Chung captures Mock Convention and IFC Weekend. WDCV offers "A Guide to Records" in which albums are recommended.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 1976

Freshman Carol Olnick accepted as one of the first women to attend West Point Academy. 1976 Mock Convention will feature speeches by Rep. William Cohen and Rep. Frank Evans. A prank by two Beta Theta Pi brothers to a set of independents' rooms leads to near-fatal arson. This fall, Lower Quad is to become co-ed. "Eating Out" favorably reviews the Locker Room and the Rusty Nail.

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Dickinsonian, April 2, 1976

Michael Kammen is to speak at College's celebration of the national bicentennial. Controversy between Phi Epsilon Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities climax with three brothers of the former spreading excrement around the door of a brother of the latter. Plans for campus rathskeller are considered. "Eating Out" reviews The Jolly Bull, which receives a 5/5 star rating. Jacob Klein will lecture in Memorial Hall.
