Dickinsonian, April 19, 1990

College interviewing candidates for new "Multicultural Scholar-in-Residence" position. New housing plan calls for integration of the incoming freshman class with upperclassmen in coed housing. SASC adopts student comments and recommendations proposed in open forum. Finance Committee presents allocations for the fall semester. College Republicans, College Democrats, and Pi Sigma Alpha hold group debate as part of Political Awareness Week. Education Society sponsors discussion series. Panel debate on free speech as the first part of a symposium entitled "Free Speech on Campus".


Dickinsonian, February 1, 1979

In this issue, Professor Phil Nicoll of the political science department suddenly resigned from his position five days before the start of classes. For the third consecutive semester, "The Dickinsonian" has been awarded first class distinction by the Associated Collegiate Press. Plans for a new gymnasium are under way and layout and interior pictures are featured in the paper. Another house has been purchased for coed housing on College Street to alleviate the problem of overcrowding at the College. An article on town-college relationships discusses the deep connection between the two.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1978

In this edition, thirty-five students are without rooms for the next year, despite Associate Dean for Residential Services Bruce Wall who feels that there will not be tripled doubles. A Dickinson survey shows that about 72% of the students smoke marijuana or have tried it. Students debate the pros and cons of the Nisbet Scholar program. "The Dickinsonian" reviews the academic year and looks at coed housing, overenrollment, tenure, social alternatives and Greek life. The College Athletic Department has been suffering due to part-time coaching.


Dickinsonian, April 6, 1978

In this edition, a new gymnasium is going to be built, whereas the Arts center, badly in need of renovations or a new location, will not be receiving either. The Student Affairs Committee's proposal for coed alternative housing received tremendous disapproval by the Board of Trustees. Ellen Schmeding was elected as manager of the Hermitage coffeehouse in Adams basement by the ABC Steering Committee. The Class of 1928 plans its 50th celebration. The Track Team has a successful start to the season. Bill Koltnow won the National Collegiate Boxing Association Championship in Reno, Nevada.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1978

In this edition the College President Sam Banks discusses the "challenge of 1980s" preparation efforts to a "Town Hall" meeting. The Writing Center was recently opened for student use in the library. An increase in enrollment has led to unhappiness amongst students because of overcrowding, many rooms being converted to triples. Students speak out for and against coed housing as an alternate living situation. Women's Swim Team members Alice Reding, Christine Barbone, and Alison Kline all set new school records.


Dickinsonian, January 26, 1978

A snow emergency was declared in Carlisle as the town became inundated with snow, the worst since 1961. The College Christmas tree at Old West that was stolen and later destroyed in December is still under investigation. The All-College Committee on Student Affairs will present its coed housing proposal to the Board of Trustees and the Committee on Student Affairs and Communication. Women's basketball team starts off their season.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1977

In this edition, the 1977-78 Senate election results are featured. The results were Steve Bartolett as Senate President, Ernie Kilpfel as Vice-President, and Kathy Kunkel as Treasurer. The Career Oriented Liberal Education or COLE program is new at Dickinson, which allows students to apply classroom theory to outside experiences. Through a grant, the program focuses in curriculum, internships and career advising. WDCV, the College's FM radio station, has plans for renovations and expansion, since it is one of the largest organizations on campus.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1976

In this edition, an energy monitoring system has been established, hoping to reduce the college's estimated energy bill of $570,000 by $90,000. A Career Advising system was introduced into the school system under the Counseling Center. An experiment (called CROW) with the idea of women living in fraternities is going well so far. Student Senate President, Seth Ray, has optimistic and exciting plans for the upcoming year, hoping to review the whole structure of the College's judicial board. An article calls for equality between male and female athletics.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1975

Student Affairs Committee endorses room-by-room coed housing. Composer Ulysses Kay will be featured at Bicentennial celebration. In ATS, writer James Spady will speak. Dulcimer player Kevin Roth to perform on campus.


Dickinsonian, November 30, 1973

Student Senate sanctions co-ed housing proposal. The 4-J-4 calendar system proposal sees its second hearing by the Academic Program Committee (APC). In the Social Hall, political columnist Milton Viorst speaks on democracy.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1972

Student Senate investigates the non-broadcasting status of WDCV and the coed situation of Kisner-Woodward. "Student housing remains a vital problem" at Board of Trustees meeting. An exhibit of Jerry Kunkel drawings in the Holland Union Building is deemed "quite exciting." Black Forest Rhodes performs free two free concerts in Social Hall.


Dickinsonian, December 11, 1970

The Faculty meeting focuses on changes in graduation requirements, approval of independent studies and credit by exam in January, and establishment of a new major in "Theater and Dramatic Literature." A resolution recommending that Malcolm and Witwer Halls become coed residence halls, effective next year, is endorsed by Senate. An all-day program called "Drug Use--The Truth and the Consequences" was presented to Carlisle residents. Freshman Plays receive good reviews. The College Mime Troupe will present its first show of the season.


Dickinsonian, November 20, 1970

Dean Hawkins will leave his post as college Dean. An open hearing held on graduation requirements examines four proposals made by the Academic Program Committee--1. "A student must complete and pass 34 courses with a cumulative average of 2.00" 2. "Students who have been admitted as degree candidates and are carrying three to five and one-half courses are full-time matriculated" 3. "The normal maximum of five and one-half courses may not be exceeded without permission of the Committee on Academic Standards" 4.


Dickinsonian, November 13, 1970

Student Senate defeats a resolution to limit spending on the annual Christmas Dinner. The student store The Common Exchange is set to open. East College will house the humanities departments starting the next semester. Students will be traveling to Africa to volunteer with Operation Crossroads Africa. Students respond positively to the Night Owl program. The U.S. Senate will vote on a bill to make cars pollution free by 1975. Several projects by the Interior Department's Federal Water Quality Administration are underway to develop programs to recycle water.


Dickinsonian, September 11, 1970

414 incoming freshman are welcomed. The resulting budget changes after the Allenberry conference are published. According to a study conducted by Tufts University, coed housing is safe and more natural than gender separated housing. Dickinson welcomes multiple new faculty members in a variety of subjects. BB King will preform homecoming weekend. Students and faculty represent Dickinson at the Governor's Conference on Environment. The National Science Foundation will fund Student-Run Environmental Research. Guesses for this seasons soccer, track, and football teams are presented.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1969

Prof. Ralph Sandler's "experiment in educational motivation" receives a four-point recommendation. Co-ed dormitories to open. Over 500 students expected to fast for fund-raising effort to Biafra. Dickinson Anthropologist H. Wade Seaford, Jr. receives National Science Foundation grant to study facial expressions. Public Affairs Symposium on "Dissent" overviewed. Additional articles discuss academic standards and issues related to Sandler's experiment. Swimming coach David Eavenson earns NCAA position.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1970

Norval Reece campaigns on campus for a Democratic Senate seat. A student referendum on ROTC will be presented by Student Senate. The ROTC debate continues with the main issues being the moral question of weather ROTC should be on Dickinson campus, the academic question of if military science courses should count for credit, and faculty selection for the program. Wheel and Chain inducts eight new members. President Rubendall pushes back coed housing plans until '71. the Seventh Annual Sigma Chi Derby Day Chase and contest begin. The Byrds gave a fantastic concert to kick off Spring Weekend.

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