In this edition, the 1977-78 Senate election results are featured. The results were Steve Bartolett as Senate President, Ernie Kilpfel as Vice-President, and Kathy Kunkel as Treasurer. The Career Oriented Liberal Education or COLE program is new at Dickinson, which allows students to apply classroom theory to outside experiences. Through a grant, the program focuses in curriculum, internships and career advising. WDCV, the College's FM radio station, has plans for renovations and expansion, since it is one of the largest organizations on campus. A new club has been formed called the Dickinson Aviation Club with the intent to teach its members how to fly and obtain private pilots' licenses. An interesting summer program is offered called the "Lewis and Clark Expedition" led by Professors Chuck Jarvis and Noel Potter, which allows students to travel parts of the trail. President Sam Banks decided not to discuss coed housing with the trustees due to poor timing and the risk of discouraging major donors to the College, causing disapproval amongst students.