Dickinsonian, October 16, 1970

Having surpassed its fund raising goal for trees, the Student Senate approved a motion to donate the excess funds to the Carlisle Shade Tree Commission. Organizers of the Harrisburg Urban Semester will be available to speak with interested students. Wheel and Chain and ODK will sponsor Songfest for Parents' Day. A Student Cooperative Store is being organized to sell new, used, and hand-made articles. Dr. A.L. Rowse, a renowned expert on Shakespeare, will speak at the College. The Mermaid Players will present the comedy "Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man" by Ostrovsky.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1970

The Board of Trustees focuses on revising the budget and making cuts. A fundraiser will be held to collect $2000 for tree replacement. Students meet with Dean Hawkins to discuss problems of freshmen. The campus will host a state conference on environmental issues to be presented to the governor. Sigma Chi moves into first place in IF Football. The Red Devils win the Second Annual Dickinson Invitational Golf Tournament by four strokes from defending champion Gettysburg.


Dickinsonian, September 25, 1970

Senate elects new members to IPR. The College will plant new trees to replace some of the ones that have been cut down and, once pedestrian traffic studies have been completed, install two new red lights. Spontaneous or short-notice marches will now be in violation of a new Carlisle Borough ordinance. Sargent Shriver, former American Ambassador to France and Former Director of the Peace Corps, came and spoke in support of Democratic congress candidates; specifically Arthur Berger.


Dickinsonian, September 11, 1970

414 incoming freshman are welcomed. The resulting budget changes after the Allenberry conference are published. According to a study conducted by Tufts University, coed housing is safe and more natural than gender separated housing. Dickinson welcomes multiple new faculty members in a variety of subjects. BB King will preform homecoming weekend. Students and faculty represent Dickinson at the Governor's Conference on Environment. The National Science Foundation will fund Student-Run Environmental Research. Guesses for this seasons soccer, track, and football teams are presented.
