Dickinsonian, October 9, 1970

The facts and figures of the revised budget are presented to faculty. SAE allows women to be social members in a fraternity for the first time. Student Senate will contribute to the tree fund by matching one quarter of the student funds raised with senate funding. The Senate voted to allow $100 to the Pennsylvania Environmental Study Team (PEST). SDS formulates a plan of action for this coming school year. Plans for the dedication of ATS begin. There is a two page spread on the EYE program complete with pictures of excursions.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 25, 1970

Senate elects new members to IPR. The College will plant new trees to replace some of the ones that have been cut down and, once pedestrian traffic studies have been completed, install two new red lights. Spontaneous or short-notice marches will now be in violation of a new Carlisle Borough ordinance. Sargent Shriver, former American Ambassador to France and Former Director of the Peace Corps, came and spoke in support of Democratic congress candidates; specifically Arthur Berger.
