Dickinsonian, April 19, 1990

College interviewing candidates for new "Multicultural Scholar-in-Residence" position. New housing plan calls for integration of the incoming freshman class with upperclassmen in coed housing. SASC adopts student comments and recommendations proposed in open forum. Finance Committee presents allocations for the fall semester. College Republicans, College Democrats, and Pi Sigma Alpha hold group debate as part of Political Awareness Week. Education Society sponsors discussion series. Panel debate on free speech as the first part of a symposium entitled "Free Speech on Campus".


Dickinsonian, October 21, 1960

In this issue, the American Chemical Society announced its accreditation of Dickinson, while the Middle States Association released favorable criticism of the sciences at Dickinson. International opera singers Pierrette Alaria and Leopold Simoneau are to visit Dickinson. Student Senate endorsed a Political Awareness week. The Military Ball, thrown by Dickinson ROTC, will be held October 28. Dickinson received approval for a loan to build a new women's dormitory. The experience of a Nepalese student, Chiran Thepa, is discussed.
