Dickinsonian, February 27, 1926

S. Marsh Johnson, former assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh, is elected by the Athletic Association as Dickinson's new football Coach. Dickinson has joined a one year trial Eastern Collegiate Athletic conference with the football programs of Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus. Joe Nesbit's Orchestra will provide the music for the Junior Prom this year. The Student Volunteer Conference is a popular success. Prof. Leon C. Prince delivered the main address of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Belles Lettres literary Society.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1925

Dickinson takes a 7 - 0 victory over Franklin and Marshall and Robert Books is elected team captain. Paul Vernon and His cleveland Symphonic Quintet will give a concert in the Chapel. Presidents of the Men's and Women's Senates and Editor of the Dickinsonian will attend a District Council through the Council of Christian Associations to debate the entrance of the United States into the World Court. Zeta Tau Alpha sorority receives the Scholarship Cup given by Pi Beta Phi for scholastic achievement. The YWCA holds a service of recognition for all the new women of the college.


Dickinsonian, June 5, 1943

Tau Delta Pi holds farewell banquet for seniors; Elizabeth Keen, Helen Kretschmar, Edith Ann Lingle, Jane Treyz, and Jo Ann Wilson are initiated into Tau Delta Pi; Elinor Derr and Estelle Mumford become Tau Delta Pi officers. Phi Kappa Sigma and Zeta Tau Alpha hold spring formals. Wheel and Chain taps eight new members: Marion Bender, Edith Ann Lingle, Kathleen Briner, Elinor Derr, Goldie Kunkle, Jane Treyz, Doris Bacastow, and Catherine Stern. Second summer session to be held. President Fred P. Corson speaks at Easter Sunrise Service at Arlington National Cemetery.

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Dickinsonian, October 21, 1926

Successful dramatist, Clayton Hamilton to speak at the upcoming chapel meeting. Rabbi Philip David Bookstaber of Harrisburg to speak at this evening's "Y" meeting. The University Club of Harrisburg has chosen this season's lectures: M.H.H. Joachim, Gregory Mason, Phidelah Rice, Hugh Walpole, Philip Guedalla, and John Cowper Powys. Article that praises student-faculty cooperation in the decision over vacation policy. Zeta Tau Alpha wins the Scholarship Cup. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, February 12, 1942

Three new members elected to Phi Beta Kappa. The semester begins with one new member to the faculty and one to the administration. Changes made to the structure of the Army to enable easier mobility through the ranks. Dickinson Law School changes the structure of its semesters to enable students to finish law school in 2 years, which would enable them to serve in the military. The new Mid-Winter Queen was chosen. The Marines were on campus to talk to students, give out applications and receive applications.


Dickinsonian, October 28, 1955

Sauter-Finegan Orchestra selected for Winter Ball entertainment; Maynard McKissick and Orchestra has been selected to play the Homecoming Dance. Zeta Tau Alpha celebrate Founders' Day with a luncheon. Inter-fraternity football is considered in terms of its possible negative affects on the varsity football team. Private Stan Singer '55 begins series of articles written during his time in the army.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1955

A time capsule is laid in the corner stone of Morgan Hall as it is being built. Classes are let out early for this ceremonious occasion. An anonymous organization donates $50,000 to the building of a new student activities center. Women's fraternities Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha, Phi Mu and Pi Beta Phi pledge 73 freshmen girls. The Placement Office of Dickinson College opens its doors to seniors looking for job opportunities post-graduation. Several new classes are added to the 1956 course catalog including a introductory course in the social sciences all freshmen will be required to take.

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Dickinsonian, December 3, 1954

The four women's fraternities on campus will be holding their winter dances this weekend to honor the senior girls. Zeta Tau Alpha will be holding a songfest next week to raise money for cerebral palsy and cerebral palsy awareness. The Student-Faculty Judicial Council is created by the administration, faculty and Student Senate to hear and decide student disciplinary problems. This is a step toward student self-governing and allows accused students to appeal to their peers in addition to administration and faulty.


Dickinsonian, May 8, 1959

Chi Omega wins Zeta Tau Alpha Song Fest. Mermaid Players and Interfraternity Council elect new officers. Avocado Mock Rocks is (hat society for troublesome female students) founded. Mathematics and chemistry departments reorganize courses. Lewis M. Hatter, successful alumnus, to speak at banquet. Dr. Oscar Cargill, chairman of the English department at New York University's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, gives an informal lecture in Memorial Hall on Ernest Hemingway.

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Dickinsonian, December 12, 1958

A discussion on Dickinson's Honor Code will be sponsored by Danforth and Omicron Delta Kappa. All sororities and some fraternities are to hold Christmas parties for the underprivileged children of Carlisle. The Dickinson College Choir will be filmed performing in Harrisburg and broadcast on WHP TV.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1967

This is the Dickinsonian's Christmas issue. A survey of campus shows that students would prefer a larger Cultural Center. Omicron Delta Kappa leadership fraternity tapped five members during the Paul Butterfield concert. A Dickinsonian editorial from the previous week provoked a response from Dr. Milton Flower. Dean of Men Andrew Hecker looks to introduce a policy of closer communication between the student body and himself. College Choirs come together to present Christmas concert. US Rep. Edward Biester appeared at Dickinson Law School's Trickett Hall to speak on civil disobedience.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1961

Rubendall advocates new Student Union. Ravi Shankar to speak at Cultural Affairs program. Reverend Lester Welliver and Doctor Cornelius Kruse to speak. College bookstore is too small according to Assistant Treasurer George Bubletz. Committee of Academic Policy, Program, and Practice to undertake survey of curriculum. Debate council opens season. Military Science department to recreate Civil War battle. Results of the Prof-Coed basketball game. Zeta Tau Alpha will celebrate Founder's Day October 14th. Rushing rules under debate.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1961

Priestley award goes to Dr. W. Maurice Ewing of Columbia University, Geophysicist. Malcolm Reports Dickinson's progress is on improvement. Senior Fred Richardson reserves Woodrow Wilson award for chemistry research. John Dingee takes over as Senate president. Loan from the federal Community Facilities Administration for a new dining hall and women's residence hall (probably Adams). Dickinson Follies to present The Boyfriend. Solution to Denny Hall pigeon nuisance investigated. New issue of the Hornbook published, contents disappointing.

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Dickinsonian, October 28, 1960

This issue focuses on the social rules at Dickinson. A group of seniors formed a group to evaluated these rules, while, inside, articles reflecting the opinions of the Deans, students, and faculty on the social rules are presented. The Middle States Association's evaluation of Dickinson discusses the curriculum of the school. A letter to the editor notes the lack of recreational activities available, both on and off of campus. A freshman from Taiwan discusses his hopes and fears with regards to relations between the United States and China.

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Dickinsonian, October 21, 1960

In this issue, the American Chemical Society announced its accreditation of Dickinson, while the Middle States Association released favorable criticism of the sciences at Dickinson. International opera singers Pierrette Alaria and Leopold Simoneau are to visit Dickinson. Student Senate endorsed a Political Awareness week. The Military Ball, thrown by Dickinson ROTC, will be held October 28. Dickinson received approval for a loan to build a new women's dormitory. The experience of a Nepalese student, Chiran Thepa, is discussed.


Dickinsonian, February 19, 1965

Students ratify Senate constitution. Sorority pledge classes to present skits at Doll Dance. Dean acknowledges grades. Michael L. Cipolla to manage Dickinson Dining Services. Ralph Kirkpatrick headlines Bach in Harpsichord presentation. American help to Portugal threatens African freedom. Student questions profits, proposes price reductions. Washington, Wilson, Pitcher Haunt Square demanding attention from Dickinsonians. Critic proposes competition to choose future architect. Dr. Samuel Miller to discuss "Certainty of Death." George Thomas manages WDCV staff for 1965-6.

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Dickinsonian, April 13, 1960

Parents' Weekend preparations are being made. Rifle squad takes 10th place in national competition. Dean Ness is appointed to the governor's higher education committee. Charles Wagner is named outstanding freshman of the year. Four new faculty members are announced. Theodor Uppman and the film "Potemkin" are given favorable reviews. Oscar-viewing parties are reported. "Ben Hur" is big winner. Dickinson Chorale returns from tour. Annual song-fest is held by Zeta Tau Alpha, to benefit the National Foundation for Crippled Children.

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