Dickinsonian, April 1893

Baseball plays against Carlisle Indian School. Debates about the validity of the honor system take shape within the pages of the editorial section.  A chapter of the Delta Chi Law Fraternity is founded at the Law School.  Dickinson wins one game and loses one game of chess with Bucknell.  The Belles Lettres Society holds elections.  Improvements are made to the athletic fields.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1923

Varsity Basketball Team closes season with victory over Bucknell. Plans made to organize women's baseball team. Athletic Association chooses new head football coach for 1923 season. Discrepancy in new Honor System Constitution to be investigated by both senates. Miss Ida M. Tarbell to speak in Bosler Hall. Text of proposed amendments to Constitution published.


Dickinsonian, January 17, 1925

Phi Beta Kappa honor society to celebrate anniversary in 1926. Faculty delays vote on honor code, unlikely to go into effect for mid-years; students voice opinions on the code. Report of an intruder in Metzger Hall, the girl's dormitory. Dean of Women Josephine Meredith "grabbed a revolver and started after the bold intruder." Inter-fraternity Council bars Delta Chi fraternity of Law School from admission to council.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1955

An honor code will be introduced to new freshmen starting next semester as requested by many students. Methodist churches of the Central Pennsylvania Conference will observe college day, meaning that they will focus on the idea of Christian Education. Students and faculty of Dickinson will go speak at 56 churches on behalf of this event. Dr. William Sloane's book on children's literature has been so widely accepted and praised by critics that it requires a second printing. Dr. Elmer Herber, professor of biology, receives the Darbecker Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1959

Honor Code is not ratified in student election. Tuition is raised. Dickinson joins Institute for American Universities' Junior Year in France Program. Jack Yahraes (Action Party) is elected Student Senate president. Changes in rushing season and girls' hours discussed at Communications Committee meeting. Raphael Hays succeeds his father as tennis coach.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1958

A discussion on Dickinson's Honor Code will be sponsored by Danforth and Omicron Delta Kappa. All sororities and some fraternities are to hold Christmas parties for the underprivileged children of Carlisle. The Dickinson College Choir will be filmed performing in Harrisburg and broadcast on WHP TV.


Dickinsonian, April 13, 1995

Examination of reprinted classroom material underway. Honor code proposal earns Senate approval. Carlisle ex-con Willie Nesmith's release causes campus anxiety. Students travel to D.C.'s Rally For Women's Lives. Writers Helena Maria Viramontes, Ana Castillo, and Roberta Fernández speak at College's first Chicana/Latina Writer's Symposium.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1999

Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist to give Constitution Address. College calls for student feedback with "quality of life" survey. Local residents clash with college over Goodyear project. Academic honor code proposed to college community. Former Greenpeace director to speak at the college. Collection of short stories marks Susan Perabo's literary debut. Senate approves fall budget. Town-gown relations could use improvement. On the road - get the scoop on studying abroad. Moliere's "The Learned Ladies" done learned us good over Family weekend.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 9, 1995

Dean Mench leaves College after 21 years. Robert Novak speaks at the Dickinson School of Law, critiques Clinton. Mermaid Players, College to put on a production of Sondheim's 'Into the Woods'. Job outlook for college grads brightens in 1995. Common Hour looks at the honor code, discusses its pros and cons.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 10, 1994

Rebecca Walker hosts a presentation on "Becoming the Third Wave," a rally to modern advances in feminism. The Student Senate looks into establishing an honor code. Delta Delta Delta hosts a seminar promoting crime awareness. Hank Nuwer gives a presentation on the dangers of hazing based on his book Broken Pledges--The Deadly Rite of Hazing. The library installs five Macintosh computers. The college examines the future of ROTC. Dean Allan discusses declining enrollment and grade inflation in a revealing interview.


Dickinsonian, October 22, 1981

Three fraternities, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Epsilon Pi volunteered to be relocated due to overenrollment at the College and state that it has not had a negative effect on fraternity life. The Student Senate Priorities Committee unanimously recommended that a student organization office be created inside the HUB and after the Senate's approval, administrative approval is then needed. The idea of an honor code is being analyzed by the Academic Affairs Committee. Women's volleyball earned themselves a spot in the Middle Atlantic Conference tournament.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1968

The Faculty are set to vote on calendar revisions, which many students oppose. W.H. Auden is slated to receive the Dickinson College Arts Award during a March 5th celebration. Some women helped police catch an intruder into Sellers Hall. The Mermaid Players production of "The Rivals" introduced novel set design. WIC introduced the "Non-Honor Code" to institute rules for all women not involved in the Honor Code. Dickinson is set to buy an original Pablo Picasso print. Prof. George Allan will deliver a sermon at the College Chapel.


Dickinsonian, March 18, 1966

A sub-committee of the Social and Academic Affairs Committee plans to seek improvements on the Social Rules. Results of the "Andrews Report", a study providing incite into the College's image, ethics, and make-up. The results of an alumni questionnaire to demonstrate changing student opinions. The radical approaches of Goddard and Shimer College's are compared to Dickinson in a continuing series on liberal arts educations.


Dickinsonian, December 10, 1965

The Public Affairs Symposium will be on the controversial topic of "The New Morality." Jazz trumpet player Maynard Ferguson will play at the Mid-Winter Weekend featured concert. Some Dickinson students attend a rally in DC against the current actions being taken in Vietnam, though other students are also in support of the current position. In conjunction with a honesty code, a survey is issued on cheating and the results are published which follow trends in sex, average, and experience.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 1, 1964

Dean of Women Barbara Wishmeyer announces student counselor positions. Women vote toward establishing dormitory honor code. Dr. John E. Benson announced as chairman of chemistry department. Henry Whitman appointed Associate Dean of Admissions. Student Senate rewrites constitution. Baseball team loses to Lycoming, lacrosse team loses to Cantonsville. Track team beats Juniata.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 8, 1963

Freshman debate pros and cons of college honor system at a class meeting. Eduardo Mondlane, President of Mozambique's government in exile to visit Carlisle to discuss African problem. Dean of admissions addresses college admissions process. Op. Ed. criticizes use of LSD. Standardized fraternity houses to require changes to social life. New Classics professor Phillip North Lockhart emphasizes study of Augustan Neo-Classicalism. Allison Methodist church welcomes new pastor, Newton Fritchley. Freshman plays to hold auditions. Debate team lacks coach, restricting them from competition.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 25, 1963

Parents' day to follow the day after the Military ball. Freshman form committee to investigate possibility of college honor code. The new college development program to seeks to strengthen academic plans. Portuguese ambassador to the US Luis Nevaga supports policies in African Portuguese colonies. Jesse Judell assumes vacant Senate Vice presidency. Student Democrats club to inform students about the party platform before the election. Library thefts require book checker to join staff. Extension of library hours considered.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 18, 1963

The Dickinsonian to start a new series of inquiries into big questions of controversy. WDCV station manager announces return of station operations. President Rubendall presents the Wedgewood Medal to artist Leonard Baskin. Former dean, Alan Coutts suffers a sudden fatal heart attack. Freshman initiate discussion of an honor system. Dickinsonians obtain creative summer jobs. C.H. Masland and Sons company awards four scholarships. Little Colonel to be crowned at the ROTC Military Ball. Senator Barry Goldwater attracts 10,000 to rally in Hershey.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 20, 1964

Conway Hall independents create social privileges dorm council. New Biology building to be built on old Kappa Sigma house site. Phi Beta Kappa plan faculty forums. IFC establishes individual house libraries. Physicist Walter C. Michels to receive Glover Medal. Plaque honoring "Uncle" Noah Pinkney.Faculty present "Faculty Frantics". Freshmen pledge Honor Code. Prof. Tuttle discusses Dickinson Changes. Prof. Flaherty extends study leave. Eighty-one freshmen try out for Freshman Plays. Jean-Pierre Grosclaude compares U.S. to Geneva. Fraternity and Sorority rush.
