Dickinsonian, October 18, 1963

The Dickinsonian to start a new series of inquiries into big questions of controversy. WDCV station manager announces return of station operations. President Rubendall presents the Wedgewood Medal to artist Leonard Baskin. Former dean, Alan Coutts suffers a sudden fatal heart attack. Freshman initiate discussion of an honor system. Dickinsonians obtain creative summer jobs. C.H. Masland and Sons company awards four scholarships. Little Colonel to be crowned at the ROTC Military Ball. Senator Barry Goldwater attracts 10,000 to rally in Hershey.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 11, 1963

The state of Georgia hold Rutgers student on charges of insurrection for trying to register Blacks to vote. A New York theater company perform an Italian drama for a Cultural Affairs program. Dean informs students of new Pennsylvania drinking age law. Ingmar Bergman's acclaimed film, The Seventh Seal to be shown in Bosler. The Freshman Orientation Program is evaluated. Alumni Association to pursue interest in development. New Professor of Philosophy George James Allan emphasizes the importance of Liberal Arts. Problems of the African political system discussed by student.
