Dickinsonian, February 7, 1906

President Reed addresses the campus, speaking out against the current state of football and threatens to abolish it if major amendments are not made to the nature of the game. The college catalog for 1905-1906 is published. The Dickinsonian requests writing samples from those students who wish to join the publication's editorial staff. The greatly-anticipated freshman-sophomore basketball game is played. The sophomore class elects their Microcosm officers. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 13, 1997

The Editorial board of the Dickinsonian newspaper will not work on future issues until student wages are restored. Senior Jennifer Becker earns a grant to teach in France. Students question Flexboard Meal Plan. An article discusses the College policy warning against sexual relations between students and faculty. A number of articles illustrate dissimilar opinions of Student Senate. Men's Basketball defeats Gettysburg. Women's Swimming wins against Bryn Mawr and prepare for championships.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1980

The Dickinsonian is awarded All-American status in a recent Associated Collegiate Press rating of college and university newspapers. The topic for next year's Public Affairs Symposium will be "Men and Women: What is Our Future Together?" Arnold Shay, a Polish Holocaust survivor discusses his story. The Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow, Joseph Ling, addresses the College. Students respond to the Presidential Primaries. The Spring Festival will have a Greek theme. Golf Team ends winning streak. Equestrian Team triumphs.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1979

Students create a paper recycling program. Both the editor-in-chief and associate editor of the Dickinsonian suddenly resign due to a "clash of principle." William S. Masland is appointed president of the Board of Trustees. An explosion and subsequent fire during an organic chemistry class causes the evacuation of Althouse and sends one student to the hospital for minor injuries. The college hosts the Trinidad Folk Festival. A feature on the college's sports teams' propensity for losing appears.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 22, 1922

The Carlisle Chamber of Commerce supports the college's fundraising campaign. Nina Morgana will give a performance at the Carlisle Opera House. Updates on commencement. Notes on J. Stitt Wilson lecture. Eight Freshmen are chose in the Declamation Contest preliminaries. School superintendent election results. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate. Former athletic trainer at the Carlisle Indian School accepts position at Leland Stanford University. Pinchot for Governor Club is organized. Professor Mohler gives demonstration on liquid air. Greek Club will present play. Theta Chi formal.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 1921

Freshman-sophomore football game ends in tie. Change made to method of selection of Dickinsonian editors. Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Confusion follows merging of men’s and women’s student senates. Women’s Student Senate creates a Pay Day on which all membership fees are due. YWCA creates employment bureau to find paid employment for its members. Q. E. D. initiates new member.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 1920

Philomel Club gives concert.  Proposed plan for reorganizing Student Senate is refined.  Students participate in annual cross country race.  YMCA, YWCA, BLS, and UPS elect officers.  Chi Omega holds annual Founders' Day dance.  G. Hurst Paul, '21, wins first prize in the Dickinsonian's short story contest. 


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1910

Celebrations for Washington's Birthday are planned.  Phi Delta Theta holds its annual dance in the Armory.  A senior writes a letter to the editor on the deplorable state of the bathing facilities in the gymnasium.  Essays to compete for membership on the Dickinsonian board due soon.  Applicants are reminded that the positions require hard work.  Gaps left in baseball schedule because Carlisle Indian School not playing in 1910.

Note: Pages 5 and 6 are missing from the only copy of this edition known to exist.


Dickinsonian, February 1884

Students are criticized for studying on the Sabbath.  Relations between students and professors are notably peaceful.  Rumors spread that South College is to be dedicated entirely to the Preparatory school.  The only known existing portrait of President Durbin, the first President of the College, is donated to Dickinson until a duplicate portrait or bust can be donated by the owner, President Durbin's daughter Fletcher Harper.  The annual Day for College Prayer is observed on January 30 with a sermon from Rev. W. S.


Dickinsonian, September 28, 1910

Business manager of the 1911 Microcosm, C. Leroy Cleaver, announces impressive balance in accounts.  "Songs of Dickinson" songbook compiled by Ben Hinchman, '05, with 117 songs, available for purchase.  All students made subscribers to Dickinsonian.  Prizes for best literary contributions announced, sponsored by local businesses.  Mr.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 7, 1913

The baseball team loses to Villanova. Nisbet Day is celebrated on campus. Students are encouraged to attend the Y.M.C.A Summer Conference. The Freshman win the annual Cap Scrap, allowing them to do away with their flashy green caps and replace them with understated gray ones. The tennis and track teams both lose to the Navy athletes. The new staff of the Dickinsonian puts out its first issue. The Glee and Mandolin Clubs have a successful concert.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1917

Musical clubs make annual spring tour.  Students sign petition requesting a drillmaster to ready the student body for military service.  Class Day is planned.  The Educational Jubilee Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church convinces conferences to increase Dickinson's endowment.  Microcosm officers are elected.  Dickinsonian board is selected.  YWCA elects officers.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1917

Annual banquet in honor of Washington's birthday is held along with annual freshman parade.  Belles Lettres celebrates its 131st anniversary.  Dramatic Club performs "What Happened to Jones".  YWCA holds annual masquerade party.  The Dickinsonian is proud to be considered yellow journalism. 


Dickinsonian, May 21, 1921

Fred Holmes '24 wins first prize in the annual Freshman Oratorical Contest. The Dickinsonian attends a meeting of the Intercollegiate Newspaper Association at Gettysburg. The Freshman class votes 168-43 in favor of the Honor System. The Sophomore and Junior classes, Union Philosophical Society, McIntyre Literary Society, Harmon Literary Society, and Greek Club elect new officers.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 29, 1921

The program for Founder's Day is announced, including an address by Professor Leon Prince as well as tennis, track, and baseball matches. The program for Commencement is also published. The Union Philosophical Society celebrates its 132nd anniversary.The Dickinsonian selects its new managerial staff, with Harry D. Kruse '22 as its editor-in-chief. William Bretz '21 gives an organ recital in Allison Church.


Dickinsonian, November 1893

The process of competing for membership on The Dickinsonian board is explained, and the types of submissions wanted are described.  Training in oratory is lauded.   Participation in YMCA is encouraged.  The editors respond to the Lutheran Church's condemnation of college's "senseless infatuation for so brutal a species of sport," football.  Phi Kappa Psi takes their annual fraternity ride to Mount Holly Springs and Boiling Springs.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon visit the Gettysburg battlefield.  Deans and officers of the classes are selected.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1897

The YMCA holds two special, well attended events, with speakers.  Professor emeritus Dr. Harman passes away.  The board of The Dickinsonian moves into a new room in West College.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, January 1892

Edwin Storer Janes Kulp becomes editor of the Dickinsonian. Joseph Pyle and George S. Cappell join board of trustees. Summary of football season. George W. Kessler is baseball president. Faculty decides on Wallower Prize competition rules. Glee and Banjo clubs take annual Christmas tour.


Dickinsonian, May 5, 1874

Schedule for commencement activities is published. The committee for organizing Class Day is chosen. Seniors R. M. Parker, R. B. Weaver, and W. C. Gross lecture to Scientific Society. Literary societies plan sophomore contests. G. W. Miller, J. A. H. Barnitz, A. R. Bender, and Ed. Hilton are elected Dickinsonian editors. Baseball club is formed with C. W. Emmerich as president.


Dickinsonian, July 1, 1873

Commencement week is detailed. J. Richard Parkison and E. H. Conklin win Pierson Prizes in Junior oratorical contest. Class Day is detailed. First Class Spread is a success. Board of Trustees meets. Alumni Association holds annual meeting. J. W. Wetzel, G. H. Miller, J. R. Parkison, and W. L. Gooding are elected Dickinsonian editors. J. Y. Dobbins and C. F. Robbins are elected secretaries; E. F. Hilton is elected treasurer. Senior D. M. Graham holds class party. Henry Thomas wins Union Philosophical Society's sophomore oratorical contest. Jno. F.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1903

President George Reed encourages Methodists to donate money to existing Methodist colleges instead of starting new colleges. Pi Beta Phi enters Dickinson. Reports come in from Heib '95 and Pemberton '03 about their mission work in Ceylon & India. Request from the editors for alumni to submit any old copies of the Dickinsonian they may have so that "a complete file of these volumes may be bound and preserved for reference in the future." William A. DeGroot '97 elected as a member of the General Assembly of New York.
