Dickinsonian, April 16, 1920

Philomel Club gives concert.  Proposed plan for reorganizing Student Senate is refined.  Students participate in annual cross country race.  YMCA, YWCA, BLS, and UPS elect officers.  Chi Omega holds annual Founders' Day dance.  G. Hurst Paul, '21, wins first prize in the Dickinsonian's short story contest. 


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1920

Freshmen win button game.  Professor Landis is knighted by king of Italy.  Pi Beta Phi initiates new members.  Baseball season begins.  Arthur J. Latham '10 is appointed graduate manager of athletics.  YMCA elects officers.  Eta Pi initiates new members.  Philomel Club performs. 


Dickinsonian, March 5, 1920

Intercollegiate debating team defeats Bucknell and Penn State.  Harmon Literary Society defeats Union Philosophical Society in a debate concerning co-education at Dickinson.  French Club celebrates Washington's birthday.  Phi Mu initiates new members.  Philomel Club (women's glee club) to perform. 



Dickinsonian, April 3, 1912

Combined Musical Clubs make annual spring break tour. YMCA Presidents' Convention to be held at Dickinson. Simon Pauxtis is selected as baseball and football coach for 1912. Description of the work of the Library Guild. Sophomores win annual Sophomore-Freshman basketball game. Union Philosophical Society holds elections.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1926

This issue of the Dickinsonian contains a write-up about the Joe Nesbit orchestra, who will be playing at this year's Junior Prom. A new rule for graduation is announced stating that students averaging less than 60% for any year's college work or less than 70% for each of two consecutive year's work shall lose one year of college credit. The Men's and Women's Glee Clubs will combine to give an Easter concert. Commencement activities will begin on June 3rd with fraternity open-house dances and commencement itself will be held on the morning of June 7th.


Dickinsonian, June 9, 1933

Thirty-four students will graduate from the Law School. Former Dickinson president writes history of the college to be revealed in October at the Sesquicentennial Celebration. Sesquicentennial Commencement Program included in this issue. Five alumni get honorary degrees. Library adds 3,000 new volumes. Editor for next year's Freshmen Handbook selected. Five fraternities created and published magazines this year. The Men's and Women's Glee Clubs gave a joint concert. The professors' summer plans are described. Ten students awarded honor of being chosen to join Phi Beta Kappa.


Dickinsonian, May 18, 1933

The Men's Senate attempts to get rid of politics from student government. Girls hosted their parents for a special church service and banquet for Mother's Day. Harris Green elected the president of next year's Senior class. Freshmen class attempt to get rid of politics in class elections. President Waugh decides that if a house mother is present at a fraternity house, a girl may enter--this new rule came after Phi Delta Theta secured Mrs. Eisenberg as their house mother. More work is put into the Sesqui-Centennial Pageant to be presented during Commencement Week.


Dickinsonian, March 23, 1933

Announces speakers for Vocational Guidance Week. Committees appointed to help plan the Sesquicentennial dance. The Dickinson Debate team won a debate against Colgate. Article on initials carved into the "famous old stone steps" of Old West. The Men's Glee Club will travel to sing for Dickinson alumni clubs in New Jersey and New York.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1932

Men's Senate talks about ways to improve school spirit at sporting events. The new literary magazine finally gets name, "Hornbook." Former exchange student from Germany writes letter about hitch-hiking experience. The Alumni Council meets again to discussion moving John Dickinson's body closer to the school. Dickinson lost Homecoming football game. Women's Glee Club performed at the buffet supper hosted by the Women's Student Government Association. Men's soccer coach complains about lack of support for the successful team this season.

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 1932

Homecoming Weekend. Freshmen before Tribunal to be punished. Dramatic Club begins working on mystery play to be performed in December. Professor Prince wins seat in State Senate once again. Janitor of Dickinson Law, William Davidson,dies.

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Dickinsonian, May 21, 1931

The men's and women's glee club put on their first combined performance since 1925. The old Phi Delta Theta house will be turned into a psychology lab. The radio transmitter built by Dickinson students is fully operational and reaches several other radio stations in the eastern half of the United States. The radio station may be used by students whenever the studio is open. Student Senate cuts some funding for all campus organizations except the band, orchestra and the Dickinsonian.


Dickinsonian, June 7, 1935

The 1935 Commencement Week has begun. The Senior Class has a picnic and dance. The Women's Glee Club gives a recital. The Men's Glee Club also gives a final concert. The Dramatic Club ends the year with their presentation of "Lady Windermere's Fan." It is revealed that there will be three foreign exchange students at Dickinson next year.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1935

The 20th President of Dickinson College is inaugurated. The Dickinsonian conducts research the undergraduate life of new college president Fred Corson. The 330th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Bible translation will be celebrated by a supper meeting at Allison Memorial Church. It is remarked that President Corson is one of the youngest college presidents in the US. The Women’s Glee Club plans their spring schedule. A talk is presented by the Association of University Women on the importance of social engineering.

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Dickinsonian, March 14, 1935

Klein S. Merriman received the Class of 1902 Award for being the all-around Dickinsonian of the Junior class. The Greek Club initiates seven new members. W3YC, Dickinson’s amateur radio station, enters an international radio contest. Sigma Alpha Epsilon celebrates the 79th anniversary of its founding. The Women’s Glee Club plans a new program. The Dickinsonian conducts a student poll on national politics. The Debate Team ties with State College. Omicron Delta Kappa revises their newly proposed student plan and awaits student approval.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1935

The basketball team wins in a game against Gettysburg. A German exchange student states his opinions of the college. Dr. Phillips Packer Elliott is to lead the Dickinson Week of Prayer. Five members of the faculty play in a basketball game. Omicron Delta Kappa presents a plan to form a new central Student Senate to take on the duties of the current senate. The Women’s Glee club will perform for the American Association of University Women. The Dickinson P.A.C.S. cabinet reports its student appointees, and supports a petition for student absentee voting in Pennsylvania elections.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1935

Fraternities hold initiation. The Junior class holds their annual dance for the first time in three years, and invitation is extended to all classes. The Women’s Glee Club prepares for three future performances. Arthur D. Kahler, from Brown University, is selected to be the new football coach. The Dramatic Club holds tryouts for its new plays. The Tribunal committee of the Men’s Senate will sponsor the annual Freshman-Sophomore scrap. The Debate Team wins against Muhlenberg. The Greek Club presents a program on Drama. The Library displays a collection of Persian art.

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Dickinsonian, January 17, 1935

The International Relations club brings in a speaker from France. Norman Thomas, the county’s leading Socialist, speaks to the college. The Freshman begin a revolt against class rules, but the event quickly dies out. Joseph H. McCormack, the college’s football coach, resigns. Dickinson beats Villanova in basketball. Omicron Delta Kappa plans to create an All-College organization that examines problems particular to Dickinson student life. The movies debate continues. The Women’s Glee Club plans its activities for the semester.

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Dickinsonian, December 6, 1934

Dickinson students and members of the Allison Memorial church will work together to create of performance of a Nativity play. The Men’s Senate ordered its Tribunal to remove several Freshman Rules, affective after the winter break. It is discovered that the library has great diversity in books. The Women’s Senate plans future events for the women of the college. The Women’s Club gives a banquet in honor of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Carlisle branch of the American Association of University Women. The debate squad will participate in a debate forum at Juniata College.

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Dickinsonian, November 15, 1934

The All-College Committee on social affairs meets to discuss campus events for the year. A poll for the candidates of the campus beauties section of the 1935 Microcosm is taken. The freshmen class elects class officers. It is projected that the Red Devil football team should make it to the Rose Bowl. By order of the Men’s Senate and its Tribunal committee, after Thanksgiving the girl rule, tie rule, and path rule will be dropped from the Freshmen Rules. The football team loses to Gettysburg. Shakespeare’s Hamlet will be performed by a professional company next week in Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, April 14, 1927

Raymond R. Brewer, Dickinson's representative at West China's Union University, will revisit the College. Fourteen graduates of the College were in China amidst civil unrest, but were able to leave without danger. Taylor and P.E. Smith earned first place medals in the two cross country races held for the T. Marshall West Awards. Women's Glee Club holds a rally in the Metzger Hall gymnasium. Details regarding the Senior Class Ball to be held on May 14. Ten Freshmen were punished by the Student Tribunal.


Dickinsonian, May 7, 1936

The Freshman class plans to hold an annual class picnic. The Men's Glee Club gives a concert at Carlisle High School. The club additionally hopes to revive the tradition of singing on the Old Stone Steps every Tuesday. Dickinson Law School introduces a summer term, during which Dickinson College students can take courses for credit. The Women's Glee Club performs in Mechanicsburg at the Trinity Lutheran Church.

Dickinsonian, March 12, 1936

The Dickinsonian holds a short story contest open to the entire student  body. The winner will be awarded with three dollars, and the runners-up with two. Conway residents are staying up until nearly the break of dawn playing Monopoly. The Women's Glee Club sings at the YMCA's Fireside Hour. The radio station W3YC enters an international radio contest. Professors Clarence Carver and Arthur Bishop publish a book on "Suggested Certification Requirements in the Various Subjects of Secondary Education for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania".
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