Dickinsonian, June 10, 1913

The Student Senate passes new legislation abolishing hazing and recommending faculty supervision of college publications and the combined Musical Clubs. The junior class elects its class officers. The baseball team loses to Gettysburg. S.W. Harrington of the University of Pennsylvania is chosen as next year’s football coach. The track team is featured. Dr. Super retires. The graduating senior class is also featured.


Dickinsonian, December 1889

The prep school boys continue to use up all the hot water in the gym, leaving none for the college athletes. The Glee Club continues to practice for its performances this year. Lyman Abbott writes a column about the issue of unqualified professors holding positions in the college. This year the Junior class will return to the tradition of publishing the yearly annual. The athletes of the school are encouraged to use the gymnasium facilities to inspire some friendly competition among themselves. The Belles Lettres Society and the Union Philosophical Society each elect new officers.

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Dickinsonian, September 24, 1898

The Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Classes choose their class officers. The board of the Microcosm is announced. This year’s freshman class in the largest to date. Dickinson wins in the Inter-collegiate Oratorical contest at Mt. Gretna. Y. M. C. A. reception occurs.


Dickinsonian, March 14, 1935

Klein S. Merriman received the Class of 1902 Award for being the all-around Dickinsonian of the Junior class. The Greek Club initiates seven new members. W3YC, Dickinson’s amateur radio station, enters an international radio contest. Sigma Alpha Epsilon celebrates the 79th anniversary of its founding. The Women’s Glee Club plans a new program. The Dickinsonian conducts a student poll on national politics. The Debate Team ties with State College. Omicron Delta Kappa revises their newly proposed student plan and awaits student approval.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1935

Fraternities hold initiation. The Junior class holds their annual dance for the first time in three years, and invitation is extended to all classes. The Women’s Glee Club prepares for three future performances. Arthur D. Kahler, from Brown University, is selected to be the new football coach. The Dramatic Club holds tryouts for its new plays. The Tribunal committee of the Men’s Senate will sponsor the annual Freshman-Sophomore scrap. The Debate Team wins against Muhlenberg. The Greek Club presents a program on Drama. The Library displays a collection of Persian art.

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