Dickinsonian, June 10, 1913

The Student Senate passes new legislation abolishing hazing and recommending faculty supervision of college publications and the combined Musical Clubs. The junior class elects its class officers. The baseball team loses to Gettysburg. S.W. Harrington of the University of Pennsylvania is chosen as next year’s football coach. The track team is featured. Dr. Super retires. The graduating senior class is also featured.


Dickinsonian, May 21, 1913

The baseball team defeats St. John’s, and loses to Lafayette. By a margin of only one vote, the Honor System is voted down at the College Assembly. The seniors go on the annual Senior Picnic. The Union Philosophical Society, College Band, and Class of 1916 chose their class officers.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1913

The Dickinson Debate Team received the first ever Inter-Collegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania trophy when they won against Pennsylvania State University. The sophomore class won the Inter-class series in basketball. A national Prohibition Oratorical contest is announced, and every man is encouraged to enter. The senior class elects its Class Day officers.


Dickinsonian, June 7, 1935

The 1935 Commencement Week has begun. The Senior Class has a picnic and dance. The Women's Glee Club gives a recital. The Men's Glee Club also gives a final concert. The Dramatic Club ends the year with their presentation of "Lady Windermere's Fan." It is revealed that there will be three foreign exchange students at Dickinson next year.


Dickinsonian, June 4, 1937

The Commencement issue of the Dickinsonian. All of the fraternities elect new officers. Dr. William D. Gould will take the faculty position vacated by the death of Professor Leon Prince. Dr. Walter A. Jessup will give the Commencement Address. Seven people will be awarded honorary degrees, including President Corson and Zatae L. Straw, the first woman to graduate from Dickinson College. This year is the 50th anniversary of Coeducation at Dickinson College. The All-College Senate voted to dispel class officer positions, with the exception of the senior class.
