Dickinsonian, May 23, 1935

Plans for the 152nd Commencement are finished. The Literary Clubs holds elections. Benny Goodman is selected as the performing artist of the Commencement Dance. The Microcosm holds elections. The All-College Senate takes control of the school government. Skull and Key hold their annual Pledge Dance. The Greek Club elects officers for next year.


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1934

Six freshmen are punished for violating the Freshman Rules and neglecting other duties. A sophomore studies a local cave and disproves several local myths. The college begins to offer courses aimed at educating Sunday School teachers. An article talks about how much money the Senate spent on small trinkets and rewards for students. The football team ties with Ursinus. The Women’s Senate calls for an all-College Senate to solve the issue of the Men’s Senate making decisions for everyone on campus.


Dickinsonian, November 9, 1935

Paul Dietz, a well-known actor of the American and German stage, gives an address to the German Club. Over thirty students apply to join the Dickinsonian staff. The College Senate sends a delegate to the Sophomore Vigilance Committee in order to keep the organization in check in their actions against freshmen. The Alumni Council sets up an Alumni Fund in order to designate gifts made toward the library and scholarship funds as part of the broader General College Fund. The Junior class revives the Junior Prom, marketing it as an all-college event.
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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1935

The College office and telephone switchboard office in Old West, the athletic office, and commuters' quarters in East College are revitalized for the new academic year. President Fred P. Corson speaks at chapel, announcing the plan for nondenominational services created with student input. The College Dance Band, Howard Gale and his Red and White Collegians, plays on station WHP in Harrisburg. Four freshman-sophomore scraps are planned: tug-of-war, flag, basketball, and baseball.
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Dickinsonian, June 4, 1937

The Commencement issue of the Dickinsonian. All of the fraternities elect new officers. Dr. William D. Gould will take the faculty position vacated by the death of Professor Leon Prince. Dr. Walter A. Jessup will give the Commencement Address. Seven people will be awarded honorary degrees, including President Corson and Zatae L. Straw, the first woman to graduate from Dickinson College. This year is the 50th anniversary of Coeducation at Dickinson College. The All-College Senate voted to dispel class officer positions, with the exception of the senior class.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1937

The Belles Lettres Society draws up a new constitution and plans to elect new officers. Twelve students from Dickinson and Gettysburg came together for a luncheon, at which they discussed the relationship between the two rival schools. The Dickinsonian elects its officers for the coming year. At the University of Utah, one young lady kissed a glass slide and placed it under a microscope. Glancing into the microscope, she was made aware of all the germs on her lips, and subsequently started a kissing strike among the women, much to the anger of the university’s male population.
