Dickinsonian, June 5, 1936

The annual Commencement issue honors the class of 1936. Honorary degrees are presented to Vice-Admiral Arthur Jay Hepburn, Judge W.A. Valentine, Rev. Roy N. Keiser, and Rev. George Henry Ketterer. Twenty-eight students, including one woman, receive Bachelor of Law degrees. The Dickinsonian enters the Associated Collegiate Press Spring Contest and receives an all-American rating. Eight men are inducted into the national honorary fraternity Omicron Delta Kappa. The Dramatic Club's presentation of Torch-bearers opens in Bosler Hall.

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Dickinsonian, May 14, 1936

The rising junior class holds elections for the upcoming year, already beginning to discuss such events as the 1937 Junior Prom. Wheel and Chain, the women's honorary senior fraternity, selects its new members. Belles Lettres Literary Society plans its sesqui-centennial celebration. Charles R. Gay, president of the New York Stock Exchange, is announced as commencement speaker. Five members of the Debate Squad are inducted into Tau Kappa Alpha, an honorary forensic fraternity. 


Dickinsonian, May 7, 1936

The Freshman class plans to hold an annual class picnic. The Men's Glee Club gives a concert at Carlisle High School. The club additionally hopes to revive the tradition of singing on the Old Stone Steps every Tuesday. Dickinson Law School introduces a summer term, during which Dickinson College students can take courses for credit. The Women's Glee Club performs in Mechanicsburg at the Trinity Lutheran Church.

Dickinsonian, April 2, 1936

The All-College Social Committee plans "Leap Year Week" at the urging of students. During this week, several events for women are planned, culminating in the Pan Hellenic Dance on April 4. The Dramatic Club holds auditions for their final production of the year: Torch-Bearers. The college raises money to benefit the communities around Harrisburg affected by a recent flood. The Dramatic Club presents their past production Big Hearted Herbert at the Carlisle High School to raise money for the American Red Cross and flood relief.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1936

The Dickinsonian holds a short story contest open to the entire student  body. The winner will be awarded with three dollars, and the runners-up with two. Conway residents are staying up until nearly the break of dawn playing Monopoly. The Women's Glee Club sings at the YMCA's Fireside Hour. The radio station W3YC enters an international radio contest. Professors Clarence Carver and Arthur Bishop publish a book on "Suggested Certification Requirements in the Various Subjects of Secondary Education for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania".
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Dickinsonian, February 28, 1936

The long-awaited Junior Prom is revived and made open to the entire campus, as well as alumni. It is the only all-college formal planned for the semester. Alpha Sigma Gamma, an honorary journalistic fraternity, elects four new members. Phi Beta Kappa initiates four new members as well. Clayton Going succeeds Arthus Bouton, fellow Dickinson student, as president of the Pennsylvania Association of College Students. Students protest the possibility of changing the Dickinson "Red Devils" to the "Colonials" by the Athletic Council.
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Dickinsonian, January 16, 1936

Omicron Delta Kappa sponsors the publication of the first Dickinson Songbook since 1910. The Dickinson chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha prepares to hold the district convention of Tau Kappa Alpha colleges in Pennsylvania and surrounding states. Admiral Arthur J. Hepburn '96 is appointed commander-in-chief of the United States fleet. 


Dickinsonian, January 9, 1936

The all-college social committee presents C. Ray Smith and his Olvera Street Marionettes in "Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer" in Bosler Hall. The Executive Council and regional officers of the Pennsylvania Association of College Students meet in campus to discuss the upcoming state convention and the structure and purpose of the organization. The Board of Trustees votes to increase the athletic budget, raise graduation fees and introduce a student health fee. The Dramatic Club holds auditions for its second production of the academic year: Big Hearted Herbert


Dickinsonian, December 17, 1936

Through the use of questionnaires, the American College Research Bureau outlines what quantities and brands of products students are more likely to buy. The Debate Team prepares for the big debate that will answer the question of whether or not Congress should have the power to set a minimum wage and limit the maximum number of industry hours. Many organizations contribute to the collection of toys to be given to orphanages. The basketball team wins against Moravian.

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Dickinsonian, December 10, 1936

The Dickinson Women’s Choir gives a performance of Handel’s Messiah at a local church. The Dramatic Club will present A Doll’s House at the end of January. A Professor of Surgery gives a talk on the causes of cancer to the Mohler Scientific Club. The basketball team is the first team to play against Roanoke in any sport. The Dickinson basketball team loses to Princeton.


Dickinsonian, December 3, 1936

The Annual Christmas Doll Show will be held on December 18th in the Gymnasium. Its program will include a talent portion, the appearance of Santa Clause, informal dancing, and caroling in the town. Dickinson’s radio station, W3YC, is back on the air. Joann, the college goat, was put to death after escaping from campus and running through the town. The freshmen are required to take two tests; one recognizing ten professors, what they teach, and where their offices are, and a song test, where they must recite all of the school songs.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1936

The Senate’s request for an extended Thanksgiving Break was denied by the Board of Deans. The Greek Club is to present Aristophanes’ The Birds. The College Date Bureau is now available for student use. The men are to submit their height, name, and class, and the women are then allowed to choose a date from the list. The football team loses to Franklin and Marshall, and two of Dickinson’s star players are injured. The soccer team closes its season with a loss to Franklin and Marshall.

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 1936

In honor of Armistice Day, Gilbert Malcolm gives a talk entitled “Memories of a Soldier,” based on his experiences fighting in World War I. A Peace Panel, held at a local church, discusses whether a pacifistic plan or educating the common man in defensive warfare is a better plan to lead us to world peace. The Senate recommends to the faculty that the students be given a three day Thanksgiving break. A College Date Bureau will be established under the All-College Social Committee.

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Dickinsonian, October 29, 1936

The “Elect-Landon” club holds its first and only pre-election meeting. The Dramatic Club considers a play with a murder-mystery plot. The Tribunal punishes more freshmen, both men and women, for disobeying the Freshmen Rules. The Dickinson Democratic Club holds their final meeting. Dickinson decides to abolish class offices, as it hinders the advance of the college. The football team beats Swarthmore in the Homecoming game. The women’s Interclass hockey schedule is posted.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1936

The football team will face Swarthmore in the Homecoming game. The Joint Society dissolves in order to reform its two original parts: the Union Philosophical and Belles Lettres Societies. An All-College Halloween party will be held in the gym. The school plans for the enlargement of Biddle Field. The last train has gone through West High Street. A Dickinsonian poll reveals that Landon is in the lead for the presidential election and is more often favored by students. The football team loses to Lafayette.


Dickinsonian, October 15, 1936

Forty-seven Dickinson men compete for a space on the Debate Squad. The Homecoming program schedule is announced. The Greek Club has their first meeting of the year. Thoughts on the 1936 presidential candidates are given. News on President Roosevelt is also given. For the first time, the Dramatic Club will sponsor a musical play. The soccer team defeats Ursinus.
