Dickinsonian, March 14, 1935

Klein S. Merriman received the Class of 1902 Award for being the all-around Dickinsonian of the Junior class. The Greek Club initiates seven new members. W3YC, Dickinson’s amateur radio station, enters an international radio contest. Sigma Alpha Epsilon celebrates the 79th anniversary of its founding. The Women’s Glee Club plans a new program. The Dickinsonian conducts a student poll on national politics. The Debate Team ties with State College. Omicron Delta Kappa revises their newly proposed student plan and awaits student approval.


Dickinsonian, December 3, 1936

The Annual Christmas Doll Show will be held on December 18th in the Gymnasium. Its program will include a talent portion, the appearance of Santa Clause, informal dancing, and caroling in the town. Dickinson’s radio station, W3YC, is back on the air. Joann, the college goat, was put to death after escaping from campus and running through the town. The freshmen are required to take two tests; one recognizing ten professors, what they teach, and where their offices are, and a song test, where they must recite all of the school songs.
