Dickinsonian, November 1, 1911
Football game with Ursinus canceled because Ursinus intended to play a five-year player. First College Dance held. Senior and junior class elections held; Paul Renn is president of senior class.
Football game with Ursinus canceled because Ursinus intended to play a five-year player. First College Dance held. Senior and junior class elections held; Paul Renn is president of senior class.
Annual Scholarship Dinner held in honor of "A" average students. Second and third floor hallways in Old West renovated. All-College Dance held. Chaplain Albert C. Oliver, Colonel U.S.A., '07 presents account of his activities as a P.O.W of the Japanese. Dr. John C. Hepler resigns from faculty to accept position elsewhere. Student senate and assembly proposed. Veterans express discontent with some college policies.
Three College Dances planned for spring semester. Several new faculty members are added. Plans for a social center are presented. Problems of post-war education are discussed. Student government is given an overview. A new column is started, written by an ex-G.I. about the many veterans on campus.
Student body to vote on a new Student Senate constitution. CORE investigates housing in Carlisle. Priestley Award given to Joel H. Hildebrand. The Dickinson Follies present "Once Upon a Mattress". Chapel-assembly attendance requirements are addressed. Singer Mary Wells to entertain at all-college dance. Prof. Robert Steele gives presentation on film. Entertainer Alirio Diaz performed as part of Cultural affairs series. New Student Senate Constitution Approved. Dick Hollinshead, Rees Llewellyn and Tom Mecouch chosen to attend the Inter-Collegiate Band Festival.