Dickinsonian, November 1, 1911
Football game with Ursinus canceled because Ursinus intended to play a five-year player. First College Dance held. Senior and junior class elections held; Paul Renn is president of senior class.
Football game with Ursinus canceled because Ursinus intended to play a five-year player. First College Dance held. Senior and junior class elections held; Paul Renn is president of senior class.
The twenty-sixth biennial Convention of the Phi Delta Theta is held. General Horatio C. King will lecture in Bosler Hall. The fourth Brockway performance was given. Lafayette, Lehigh, Gettysburg, Swarthmore, Haverford and Ursinus are attempting to form a oratorical league.
Rev. Dr. Henry Smith Leiper, leader in the world movement for peace and Christian unity , speaks on "Germany's New Religion" at a meeting of the Young People's Fellowship. Bill Nickels speaks about the trips taken by the Social Survey Committee. Fraternities Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, and Sigma Chi hold a dance entitled the "Miami Triad," with music from Don Peepbles. Donations from James W.
Oxfam America leads day of fasting; Jenny Gayer (College Church deacon) leads at Dickinson. Renovations planned for second floor of Althouse. Visiting professor Xiaoxiong Yi discusses life in China and U.S. Look at basketball coach Gene Evans' career at Dickinson. Previously undefeated football loses to Ursinus. Women's volleyball wins ECAC Championship.