Dickinsonian, September 30, 1937

The Spencer Fullerton Baird  Biology Building is dedicated at opening chapel services. College purchases five lots for new athletic fields. Dr. Howard Thurman gives talk to Young People's Fellowship. Postmaster General James A. Farley visits Carlisle post office, greeted by crowd of several hundred. Football team wins first game of the season.


Dickinsonian, June 4, 1937

The Commencement issue of the Dickinsonian. All of the fraternities elect new officers. Dr. William D. Gould will take the faculty position vacated by the death of Professor Leon Prince. Dr. Walter A. Jessup will give the Commencement Address. Seven people will be awarded honorary degrees, including President Corson and Zatae L. Straw, the first woman to graduate from Dickinson College. This year is the 50th anniversary of Coeducation at Dickinson College. The All-College Senate voted to dispel class officer positions, with the exception of the senior class.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1937

Plans for the content of this year’s Microcosm are expanded. The Dramatic Club has started rehearsing for its next production, The Royal Family. The Student Senate discusses ways to create a better relationship between Gettysburg and Dickinson and how to increase scholarship among the freshmen. Plans to convert Moore house into a modern biology lab, to be called the Baird Biology Lab, are finally approved. Dr. Leon Cushing Prince, beloved teacher and scholar, passed away Sunday. The Dickinson Bowling team has won seven games in a row.
