Dickinsonian, June 10, 1913

The Student Senate passes new legislation abolishing hazing and recommending faculty supervision of college publications and the combined Musical Clubs. The junior class elects its class officers. The baseball team loses to Gettysburg. S.W. Harrington of the University of Pennsylvania is chosen as next year’s football coach. The track team is featured. Dr. Super retires. The graduating senior class is also featured.


Dickinsonian, May 28, 1913

The Dickinson baseball team defeats Gettysburg. The Musical Clubs held a concert at Boiling Springs. The Scientific Club holds a club banquet. The student body elects its Senators. The officers of the Politics Club are announced. The Skull and Key Junior Society holds a dance. The Commencement Program is given, outlining all of the events for Commencement Week.


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Dickinsonian, May 21, 1913

The baseball team defeats St. John’s, and loses to Lafayette. By a margin of only one vote, the Honor System is voted down at the College Assembly. The seniors go on the annual Senior Picnic. The Union Philosophical Society, College Band, and Class of 1916 chose their class officers.


Dickinsonian, May 14, 1913

The Student Senate votes to incorporate the Honor System. Dickinson beats Villanova in baseball. The track teams beats Gettysburg. J.H. Baker, of the class of 1893, wins honor for his work as the President of Baltimore’s Board of Liquor License Commissioners. The Student Senate makes several changes to the annual events calendar. Phi Kappa Sigma wins the first game of the Inter-fraternity baseball series.

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Dickinsonian, May 7, 1913

The baseball team loses to Villanova. Nisbet Day is celebrated on campus. Students are encouraged to attend the Y.M.C.A Summer Conference. The Freshman win the annual Cap Scrap, allowing them to do away with their flashy green caps and replace them with understated gray ones. The tennis and track teams both lose to the Navy athletes. The new staff of the Dickinsonian puts out its first issue. The Glee and Mandolin Clubs have a successful concert.


Dickinsonian, April 30, 1913

The baseball team defeats Johns Hopkins 7 to 1. Dickinson places third in the Penn Relays. The Inter-fraternity baseball series is announced to begin during the next week. The Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity held their annual dance in the armory. An essay talks about the merits of fraternity life, and another argues against the use of tobacco.

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Dickinsonian, March 12, 1913

The Dickinson Debate Team received the first ever Inter-Collegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania trophy when they won against Pennsylvania State University. The sophomore class won the Inter-class series in basketball. A national Prohibition Oratorical contest is announced, and every man is encouraged to enter. The senior class elects its Class Day officers.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 1913

The sophomores remain in first place in the Inter-class series. Everyone is encouraged to audition for the Dramatic Club play “The Comedy of Errors.” The Sigma Chi fraternity held their annual mid-winter dance in Mentzer Hall. The winners of the Freshmen Declaration Contest are announced. Dickinson considers adopting the honor system.

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Dickinsonian, February 26, 1913

The Annual College Banquet was held in the gymnasium on the anniversary of George Washington’s birthday. The sophomore class continues to win every game in the Inter-class series. The Dramatic Club is to perform “The Comedy of Errors” by Shakespeare during Commencement week. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity held its annual Founder’s Day dance in Mentzer Hall. Paul G. Smith will be the new baseball coach for the upcoming season.


Dickinsonian, November 26, 1913

Founder’s Day was celebrated at Metzger Hall. The Dickinson Alumni Athletic Association made further plans to extend their organization. The Union Philosophical Society announces the results of its election. The Intercollegiate Prohibition Association outlines what it hopes to accomplish in the coming year.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1913

Dickinson wins in a football game against Swarthmore. Local Dickinson alumni organize a new athletics association to offer more support to the athletics on campus. A tribute to Abraham Lincoln is given fifty years after the Gettysburg Address. Senate proceedings reported new rules, one of which asks the faculty to extend Thanksgiving Vacation.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 1913

Dickinson wins its last home football game against Lebanon Valley. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity held a gathering in their chapter house in honor of Professor and Mrs. George F. Cole. The sophomore class elects a new president. The Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity holds their first “at home” of the year.

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