Dickinsonian, March 12, 1913

The Dickinson Debate Team received the first ever Inter-Collegiate Debating League of Pennsylvania trophy when they won against Pennsylvania State University. The sophomore class won the Inter-class series in basketball. A national Prohibition Oratorical contest is announced, and every man is encouraged to enter. The senior class elects its Class Day officers.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1898

The Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Classes choose their class officers. The board of the Microcosm is announced. This year’s freshman class in the largest to date. Dickinson wins in the Inter-collegiate Oratorical contest at Mt. Gretna. Y. M. C. A. reception occurs.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1935

The 20th President of Dickinson College is inaugurated. The Dickinsonian conducts research the undergraduate life of new college president Fred Corson. The 330th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Bible translation will be celebrated by a supper meeting at Allison Memorial Church. It is remarked that President Corson is one of the youngest college presidents in the US. The Women’s Glee Club plans their spring schedule. A talk is presented by the Association of University Women on the importance of social engineering.

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