Dickinsonian, June 9, 1933

Thirty-four students will graduate from the Law School. Former Dickinson president writes history of the college to be revealed in October at the Sesquicentennial Celebration. Sesquicentennial Commencement Program included in this issue. Five alumni get honorary degrees. Library adds 3,000 new volumes. Editor for next year's Freshmen Handbook selected. Five fraternities created and published magazines this year. The Men's and Women's Glee Clubs gave a joint concert. The professors' summer plans are described. Ten students awarded honor of being chosen to join Phi Beta Kappa.


Dickinsonian, May 25, 1933

Juniors will be allowed to take classes at the Law School. Letters given out to 11 men, including 9 Freshmen. President Waugh puts forth a plan to delay rushing before the Interfraternity Council. Article on Dickinson in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Club members abolish the International Relations Club. Article on the Commuter's Room and the ways in which this privilege has been abused. Lawn party to be held at Metzger Hall. Dean Meredith won prize. Dickinson and Franklin & Marshall tie in annual track meet.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 18, 1933

The Men's Senate attempts to get rid of politics from student government. Girls hosted their parents for a special church service and banquet for Mother's Day. Harris Green elected the president of next year's Senior class. Freshmen class attempt to get rid of politics in class elections. President Waugh decides that if a house mother is present at a fraternity house, a girl may enter--this new rule came after Phi Delta Theta secured Mrs. Eisenberg as their house mother. More work is put into the Sesqui-Centennial Pageant to be presented during Commencement Week.
