Dickinsonian, November 19, 1921

Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. Speaker Colbert N. Kurokawa visits. Resignation of Miss Hartman from women's athletic. Stuckenrath and Weist prizes are awarded. Article on the Women's Athletic Association organized hiking. Collegiate Disarmament Conference in Chicago. Raven's Claw meeting in the Phi Psi house. Press Club smoker in the Theta Chi house. Phi Mu and Pi Beta Phi violated rules.


Dickinsonian, May 18, 1933

The Men's Senate attempts to get rid of politics from student government. Girls hosted their parents for a special church service and banquet for Mother's Day. Harris Green elected the president of next year's Senior class. Freshmen class attempt to get rid of politics in class elections. President Waugh decides that if a house mother is present at a fraternity house, a girl may enter--this new rule came after Phi Delta Theta secured Mrs. Eisenberg as their house mother. More work is put into the Sesqui-Centennial Pageant to be presented during Commencement Week.


Dickinsonian, June 4, 1931

For the first time since its founding in 1886, the full quota of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity keys are to be given to graduating seniors at graduation on Monday. Senior class day exercises, including the induction of the seniors into the Alumni Association, will take place in one day. Belles Lettres decides to continue to not have rushing for new membership in their society as mentioned in an amendment to their constitution. The honorary fraternity Omicron Delta Kappa initiates seven new members.


Dickinsonian, May 9, 1935

The Debate Team will end the season with a debate later in the week. The golf team loses to Johns Hopkins. The Dramatic Club begins try-outs for the play “Lady Windermere’s Fan.” The tennis team loses to Bucknell. Forty new books are added to the library. Wheel and Chain taps nine new members. The Men’s Glee Club gives a concert. The Women’s Athletic Association elects new officers. Sororities hold their spring elections. The Greek Club spoke about Greece and the Christian Church. The Junior swimmers on the Women’s swim team placed first in a meet.


Dickinsonian, October 18, 1934

Alpha Chi Rho resigns from the Interfraternity Council. The upperclassmen have some fun punishing the freshmen for breaking the freshmen rules. The Men’s Senate will form a permanent organization of unaffiliated students in order for them to form a more unified group. The soccer team loses to Bucknell. Alumni are urged to attend the Homecoming celebrations and the Diamond Jubilee of Sigma Chi at Dickinson. An article questions whether the Men’s Senate should be allowed to make decisions for the entire campus, as well as for the women of the college.

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