Dickinsonian, November 19, 1921

Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. Speaker Colbert N. Kurokawa visits. Resignation of Miss Hartman from women's athletic. Stuckenrath and Weist prizes are awarded. Article on the Women's Athletic Association organized hiking. Collegiate Disarmament Conference in Chicago. Raven's Claw meeting in the Phi Psi house. Press Club smoker in the Theta Chi house. Phi Mu and Pi Beta Phi violated rules.


Dickinsonian, May 19, 1923

Track team wins Central Pennsylvania Collegiate Track Conference. Baseball team beats University of Delaware. Extensive commencement program announced. Student Tribunal System adopted with amendments after heated debate. Men's Glee Club to give concert in Bosler Hall. Spotlight on Colbert N. Kurokawa, '22, and his work with the Hawaiian YMCA. Track team to compete in Mid. Atlantic Track Association Meet.
