Dickinsonian, March 1892
Annual mid-winter athletic competition is held. Allison Memorial Methodist Church opens. UPS and BLS elect officers; William T. Roberts and Van Pierce Northrup are presidents, respectively.
Annual mid-winter athletic competition is held. Allison Memorial Methodist Church opens. UPS and BLS elect officers; William T. Roberts and Van Pierce Northrup are presidents, respectively.
The Reverend Dr. John Wesley Hill holds a Day of Prayer service at Allison M.E. Church. Phi Delta Theta holds a dance as Kappa Sigma goes on a sleigh ride. The Intercollegiate Athletic Association meets.
George A. Crider, college trustee, prepares to give a speech at Allison M.E. Church. Athletic Association officers are elected; the Athletic treasurer's report is released. The Philadelphia Club holds elections. The Kappa Sigma fraternity entertains Hon. Philip P. Campell. The Comus Club holds the second dance of the season.
Dickinson defeats Ursinus 4-0 in a kick-filled football game that punctuates the differences from the modern game. Roswell Bates of New York City delivers a lecture in Allison M.E. Church.
Little Theater group to present two Christmas plays. Lt. Edward F. Murphy is guest speaker at Little Theater meeting. Social Service Committee organizes work with community service groups. New college term begun to accommodate returning ex-servicemen. College Athletic spirit returns to Dickinson as regular conditions resume. Concert of Neapolitan songs held in Allison memorial Church.
The Men's Senate attempts to get rid of politics from student government. Girls hosted their parents for a special church service and banquet for Mother's Day. Harris Green elected the president of next year's Senior class. Freshmen class attempt to get rid of politics in class elections. President Waugh decides that if a house mother is present at a fraternity house, a girl may enter--this new rule came after Phi Delta Theta secured Mrs. Eisenberg as their house mother. More work is put into the Sesqui-Centennial Pageant to be presented during Commencement Week.
Reverend Oscar Thomas Olson leads daily prayer at Allison Memorial methodist Episcopal Church for Prayer Week. Students await a lecture on the subject "Why the Arctic Calls Me" by explorer Dr. Fridtjof Nansen. Professor C.W. Prettyman addressed the Woman's Club of Carlisle to discuss modern tragedy in theater.
181st Commencement Exercises to be the first to be held outside, with seven to receive honorary degrees. New set of social rules instituted, Social Code updated. Debate Council ends their most active season on record. Inter-Fraternity Council announces rushing rules for the upcoming academic year. New system of deferred rushing for women requires rules change. Phi Psi's take I.F. All-Sports trophy. Golf team ends season 6-2 and wins the Little Three Golf Title for the first time in seven years, surpassing all previous records. Allison Memorial Methodist Church destroyed in fire.
The newly developed President's Trophy to be awarded annually to a fraternity for good campus citizenship. Two collegiate sports added: wrestling and cross country. Mr. T. S .J. George, editor of the Bombay Free Press Journal, Bombay, India, to speak at the Student Christian Association. Construction progressing on Allison Memorial Methodist Church. Alexander Hamilton historian Richard Hunt to speak. The lacrosse team wins against Franklin & Marshall. Profiles on student athletes, Susan Hansell and Bob Gladfelter
Follies production of The Boyfriend features jazz and flappers. Agnes DeMille to visit the college during the arts festival. Non-western studies program being developed with Gettysburg, Wilson, Hood, Western Maryland, and St. Mary's - St. Joseph's, and to include eastern travel. College makes gains toward improvements required for accreditation. The Trustees steering committee meets to discuss fraternity housing. Doctor Martin Luther King to speak soon at Allison chapel. Housemother Charlotte Prettyman to retire to Germany.