Dickinsonian Newspaper

Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Dickinsonian Front Page

The new Intercollegiate Athletic Association, which met in December at the height of the football controversy, produces a constitution and bylaws which are distributed to institutions throughout the nation. Dickinson faculty accepts the documents and joins the association. The newly-revived...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The 1906 Commencement Issue celebrates the end of the academic year and outlines the schedule of events for the week. Representatives from colleges around the area congregate in Harrisburg to organize a college athletic association of Central Pennsylvania which would serve to uphold moves made...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Reverend Dr. John Wesley Hill holds a Day of Prayer service at Allison M.E. Church.  Phi Delta Theta holds a dance as Kappa Sigma goes on a sleigh ride.  The Intercollegiate Athletic Association meets.

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