Dickinsonian, February 13, 1953

The Supreme Court Judge of Delaware, Associate Justice James S. Tunnell, Jr., to deliver talk for an upcoming Boyd Lee Spahr Lecture. Visiting Religion professor, Dr. Clyde Wildman to deliver talk on "The Developing Bible," sponsored by the Student Christian Association. The Queen of Hearts to be crowned tonight for the Mid-Winter Ball. Herbert W. Gould donates two drama awards to Dickinson College, to be rewarded each year to outstanding theater students. Profile on Dickinsonian Norm McWhinney. Critique of upcoming play, "Anne of a Thousand Days." Profile on student athlete, Jim Mackie.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1957

This issue is very concerned with the campus Flu Epidemic, in spite of a statement from college physician Dr. Edward S. Kronenberg that the virus was on the wane. Actor Emlyn Williams will appear at Bosler Hall in the second event of the cultural affairs series, "A Boy Grows Up"- a performance about the poet Dylan Thomas. The local building company Mowery & Sons (currently in the process of building the Allison Memorial Church) will construct the new Althouse Science building. The Dickinson College Religious Affairs Council, organized last year, will now hold regular meetings.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 12, 1957

The newly developed President's Trophy to be awarded annually to a fraternity for good campus citizenship. Two collegiate sports added: wrestling and cross country. Mr. T. S .J. George, editor of the Bombay Free Press Journal, Bombay, India, to speak at the Student Christian Association. Construction progressing on Allison Memorial Methodist Church. Alexander Hamilton historian Richard Hunt to speak. The lacrosse team wins against Franklin & Marshall. Profiles on student athletes, Susan Hansell and Bob Gladfelter


Dickinsonian, December 10, 1954

A member of the Biology Department, Dr. Elmer Herber, and one of his previous students, Howard Kline, are published in the 1954 edition of "Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science" for their work with antibiotics. The Board of Trustees decides to allow seniors who do not meet their graduation requirements in time for their graduation to graduate as soon as they finish them instead of having to wait until the following June to do so. The Board also is looking into adding two more fraternities to campus to increase the strength of the fraternity program on campus.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1954

The Mermaid Players announce their next production. "Our Town" will be performed December 1, 2 and 3 in Bosler Hall. The Aquatic Club is performing later this evening their interpretation of popular children's stories. The entire production is student produced from scenery and lights to costumes and publicity. The Alumni Council agreed to take action on athletic policies as requested by students in the previous issue of the Dickinsonian with the support of the Board of Trustees.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 14, 1958

Students challenge and address campus-wide issues of academic cheating. Reacting to a perceived lack of religious atmosphere on campus, student religious groups and organizations try to satisfy the 'unmet need.'

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 9, 1959

This edition includes articles about a $50,000 gift for a new language center. The IFC announces rush period program. Senate loans funds to establish a radio station. Distinguished Military Students for 1959-1960 are announced by ROTC. The student housing shortage is discussed. Band organizers discuss a lack of interest in the formation of a band.
