Dickinsonian, October 25, 1957

This issue is very concerned with the campus Flu Epidemic, in spite of a statement from college physician Dr. Edward S. Kronenberg that the virus was on the wane. Actor Emlyn Williams will appear at Bosler Hall in the second event of the cultural affairs series, "A Boy Grows Up"- a performance about the poet Dylan Thomas. The local building company Mowery & Sons (currently in the process of building the Allison Memorial Church) will construct the new Althouse Science building. The Dickinson College Religious Affairs Council, organized last year, will now hold regular meetings.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 13, 1967

Spahr Library opens for the first time after book walk. Dickinson gears up for approaching parents' weekend. Yom Kippur services are announced, with a schedule of services and an explanation of Yom Kippur included. Vienna Symphony concert series set to begin Friday, October 13th, at Carlisle Senior High School as part of the Dickinson College Greatest Artist Series. International Studies program in Bologna grows in popularity as it continues to evolve. ODK Conference was reviewed as successful in stimulating discussion but not necessarily in generating conclusions.
