Dickinsonian, December 11, 1941

A joint-committee is created to organize and coordinate extra-curricular activities to to help with defense service or preparation. The most recent Student Opinion Surveys of America poll has revealed that students believe that war increases opportunities. The Red Cross to create a unit on Dickinson's campus which will be affiliated with the Carlisle branch. Plans are starting to be made in case of attack, specifically a mock air raid will be staged on Sunday (directions for the air raid are included in this issue). Metzger Hall held an open house for faculty last week.

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Dickinsonian, November 20, 1941

Dickinson football won against Susquehanna last weekend and will face Gettysburg this coming weekend. Petition presented with 450 signatures at the beginning of Chapel about giving athletic scholarships to students--this was the result of built up tensions. Improvements to be made to Conway Hall. Editorial remembers the college band of two years ago, bemoaning the current status of the band and encourages the band to rediscover this previous life, energy and precision. Dickinsoni-Anne parodies Emily Post and what she'd say about attending chapel and going to class.

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Dickinsonian, October 23, 1941

Committee recommends that college end its policy on extra-curricular activities requiring participation with limits on number of activities as student may participate with. The thirty-one students arrested last week have each been ordered to pay a fine of $1.62. Dickinson's first all-college choir is created. Editorial on possibility of drafts and the role of education in men's lives. Dickinson's football team loses to Delaware 28-0. Inter-class badminton will be created for girls.


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1938

The All-College Social Body plans a series of events for the coming year, including a Dad's Day, a barn dance, and an open house.  President Corson announces the new  heads of ten committees.  Judge Karl Richards is selected as speaker for the annual Homecoming chapel service.  Dale O. Hartzell writes a short piece detailing Revolutionary leader Jams Wilson's interaction with Carlisle int eh mid to late 18th Century.  The Dickinson college Religious Association holds a meeting in Memorial Hall of Old West, featuring Howard A.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1957

This issue is very concerned with the campus Flu Epidemic, in spite of a statement from college physician Dr. Edward S. Kronenberg that the virus was on the wane. Actor Emlyn Williams will appear at Bosler Hall in the second event of the cultural affairs series, "A Boy Grows Up"- a performance about the poet Dylan Thomas. The local building company Mowery & Sons (currently in the process of building the Allison Memorial Church) will construct the new Althouse Science building. The Dickinson College Religious Affairs Council, organized last year, will now hold regular meetings.

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Dickinsonian, November 14, 1958

Students challenge and address campus-wide issues of academic cheating. Reacting to a perceived lack of religious atmosphere on campus, student religious groups and organizations try to satisfy the 'unmet need.'

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Dickinsonian, December 8, 1959

The Dickinsonian takes third place in national competition. Alpha Psi Omega admits three top drama students. Eero Saarinen receives Dickinson Art Award. A holiday concert will be given by the college choir. Thirty attend a leadership gathering given by Omicron Delta Kappa. Student Senate seeks the results of a survey regarding a new grading system. Catholic Club sponsors an interfaith discussion. Fall athletic recognition assembly was held. Wrestlers hope for an improvement this season. Bob Worthington posts best offensive yardage in '59 season.

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