Dickinsonian, January 22, 1942

The 70th Anniversary issue. Article about the history of the Dickinsonian. Fire at Phi Psi House, only minor injuries. Student Opinion Surveys of America found in a poll that the favorite movie of 1941 among college students was "Sergeant York." Twelve semester hour summer session is being planned for the upcoming summer. The college decides to allow subfreshmen to be admitted for the second semester to follow one of two course types--rushing guidelines for these students are included in the article. New officers elected for the Dickinsonian.


Dickinsonian, December 18, 1941

Carlisle has a practice air raid, an article lists the improvements that Carlisle needs to make. Robert C. Deitz '41 is the first person from Dickinson believed to be lost in World War II--he is reported as missing in action and presumed to be dead. Dickinson's Board of Trustees has approved the plan to purchase $85,000 of United States Defense Bonds for the endowment fund. Article on how students, specifically the residents of Metzger Hall, are dealing with the United States' declaration of war. A University of Texas poll reveals that 50% of girls want to become housewives.
