Dickinsonian, June 3, 1911

End of the year issue. Summaries of recent Baseball, Tennis, and Track Results. German Exchange teacher visiting Dickinson for six weeks. Annual reports of student clubs. Essay on Christian Science by Horatio Collins King. Listing of the Class of 1911 with student's activities. Pictures of class officers and other students in important positions.


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1911

Senior Class takes trip to Luray Caverns. Results from track, baseball, tennis. Dr. George Katzge gives three lectures on Education in Germany. Minutes from Der Deutscher Verein. Copy of the Carlisle Herald from 1820 found with article about the conversion of early Dickinson to a Methodist college. More student contributions to the May literary contest.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 1911

Former Dickinson Professor Major James Evelyn Pilcher dies in Georgia, President Reed leads funeral. Deutcher Verein hold first meeting of the semester. Doctor Crider treats the band to a banquet. Student writes his "Thoughts of Mark Twain" Student saves a robin whos feet had been tangled in string.


Dickinsonian, February 8, 1911

Exceptionally large attendance at the Deutscher Verein meeting. Dr. William Prettyman, abroad in Germany, publishes article. Baltimore Alumni hold banquet. Carlisle alumni criticized for inactivity. Shearer's Drug Store Literary prize awarded. Y.M.C.A. to bring in a Drum and Fife duo to perform.


Dickinsonian, November 2, 1910

Response to the Previous weeks letter to the editor from the Law students about the Athletic Association. Letter to the Editor from Physical Director Forrest Eugene Craver about the athletic situation of athletic success at the college. Der Deutche Verein held its first meeting of the year. Phi Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta Pi and Delta Chi all hold Halloween Events. Reporter Herbert Francis Sherwood to give a lecture on immigration.
