Dickinsonian, January 25, 1911
Dr. Gooding gives address to Deutcher Verein. Lecture given by Mr. William S. Roney on railroading. Money raised for a new law school building. Irving E. Vining to visit campus for a lecture and an oration.
Dr. Gooding gives address to Deutcher Verein. Lecture given by Mr. William S. Roney on railroading. Money raised for a new law school building. Irving E. Vining to visit campus for a lecture and an oration.
Week of Prayer is observed under the guidance of Dr. F. Watson Hannan. Sophomores win inter-class basketball series.
Freshmen win annual button game. Phi Delta Theta holds annual dance. Skull and Key holds annual dance. Student Senate elects official Cheer Leader. Juniors win inter-class basketball championship. YWCA performs "An Old Fashioned Singing School".
Summary of the college treasurer's report for 1914. Freshmen defeat sophomores in inter-class basketball. Belles Lettres celebrates its 129th anniversary. The library acquires and displays prints of famous paintings. Highlights of Student Senate meeting.
Summary of events planned for upcoming various Dickinson Clubs' banquets. Basic schedule of the upcoming all-girls field day, which includes girls from other area colleges and universities. Description of frog dissections in Biology Lab. The Interfraternity Council denies the petitions of two Jewish fraternities who wished to be allowed on campus. Play-pageant based on the history of Dickinson is planned as a commencement activity for the sesquicentennial. Swarthmore girls vote to get rid of sororities. Phi Kappa Sigma awarded trophy for the interfraternity boxing championship.