Dickinsonian, January 25, 1911
Dr. Gooding gives address to Deutcher Verein. Lecture given by Mr. William S. Roney on railroading. Money raised for a new law school building. Irving E. Vining to visit campus for a lecture and an oration.
Dr. Gooding gives address to Deutcher Verein. Lecture given by Mr. William S. Roney on railroading. Money raised for a new law school building. Irving E. Vining to visit campus for a lecture and an oration.
The football team wins against Haverford. Each new member of the law school is listed. The Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity hosted a stag party and smoker. Two women are now enrolled at the law school.
An article reports on the outlook of the 1898 football team. Dr. William Lambert Gooding has been hired to fill a vacancy in the Philosophy department. Professor Frederick C. Woodward is hired to teach at Dickinson School of Law. The Dickinsonian extends a warm welcome to the new students.
A member of the Student Volunteer Movement visits. Reception for the Preparatory school's class of 1900. Hon. William Penn Lloyd gives a lecture at the Dickinson School of Law.
Because of an unusual demand, the Board of Trustees is forced to give more money in student loans. Dickinson graduates are elected to state offices. Skull and Key holds its annual winter formal. Dickinson loses to Franklin and Marshall in basketball. The Dickinsonian elects a new editor-in-chief. The Dickinson School of Law is elected as a member of the Association of American Law Schools. The Young People’s Fellowship begins panels to discuss popular issues, the first of which is “What is wrong with the movies?” The Athletic Association will elect officers on Monday.