Dickinsonian, July 1884

Commencement Weekd is held.  The speeches given at Commencement are all listed.  The Board of Trustees motions to request Faculty imput on the admittance of ladies to the college.  A new building, the Bosler Memorial Library Hall, is planned.  The Junior Oratorical Contest is held.

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Dickinsonian, February 3, 1916

A visiting evangelist leaves Dickinson after a week’s stay.  The track schedule is completed for this year’s season, as is next year’s football season schedule.  A proposed amendment to the student assembly’s constitution that would have only allowed men to serve was shot down, much to the pleasure of the women on campus.  Six freshmen are convicted of breaking freshmen rules, but the issue of abolishing such rules is tabled.  Dickinson’s faculty redrafts the eligibility rules for student athletes.  


Dickinsonian, November 1889

Students are encouraged to participate regularly in class meetings and events. The two literary societies on campus competed for new members from the Freshmen class. A University of Pennsylvania student supports coeducational institutions. The Glee Club has become a permanent group on campus and has begun practicing for the season. A column urges the women of the college to ignore the harsh comments of the men and continue to strive for academic and social excellence.

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Dickinsonian, March 1886

The formation of the Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Inter-Collegiate Baseball Association give Dickinson students access to larger fields of play and more opponents.  Efforts to produce a Microcosm cease.  The Athletic Association decides to reject recognition of the separate teams created by the pro- and anti- co-education factions in the Freshman class, and the idea of a combined team is also rejected.  An underground co-education group is created, with rumors that it is named The Dickinson College Co-Ed Woman's Rights Association

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Dickinsonian, October 1, 1931

Senior Isabel Super dies of complications following appendicitis operation. Professional acts and favors to freshman are eliminated from rushing program. Microcosm awards contracts. Gerald Barnes becomes associate professor of sociology. Janet Sinclair becomes assistant librarian. List of freshman class members is notable for number of female students (permitted to make up 25% rather than 20% of class). Radio station adds voice transmission system and reaches Russia and England. Schedule for sorority rushing. YMCA and YWCA plan religious events. Garbage Scrap tradition (hazing) is ceased.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1947

The Dickinsonian celebrates its 75th year of publication by briefly examining its evolution over time. The Student Social Committee discussed plans for the upcoming year, including the Homecoming Ball (to be informal this year), dates for the five all-college dances, and fall appearances by artist George W. Rickey and pianist Ozan Marsh. The Pan-Hellenic Council conducts rushing for both men's and w omen's fraternities. A summary of college scandals over the past 75 years is given, with particular focus on the aftermath of admission of women to the college.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1973

Trustees rescind the 60-40 male-female admissions ratio and name the newly-built dormitory after trustee Gibbs McKenney and his wife. Richard Orr is elected president of the Student Senate. Matthew Miller introduces a resolution in defense of students "in cases of alleged faculty injustices." At the Business Symposium, participants investigate a greater role for minority groups in business. Additional articles discuss other speakers from the Symposium. The Mellon Foundation contributes toward the College's Century 3 Campaign.
