Dickinsonian, July 1886

The 103rd annual Commencement Week is held.  Bosler Memorial Library Hall is formally presented to the Board of Trustees in an elaborate ceremony.  Professor Lindsay is elected to a full professorship position for Chemistry.  The baseball team loses to a  Harrisburg team 12 to 6, with complaints regarding a biased umpire.  Chi Phi, Sigma Chi, Theta Delta Chi, and Phi Kappa Psi hold their annual banquets. 


Dickinsonian, June 1886

Tempers flare and issues arise regarding the rumors of President McCauley's resignation.  Dickinson is challenged to a boat race by Wilson College in Chambersburg, but it is cancelled due to an injury.  The Union Philosophical Society holds their annual Oratorical Contest, as does the Belles Lettres Society.  The baseball team wins against Pennsylvania College in Harrisburg 26 to 12.


Dickinsonian, May 1886

Rumors that President McCauley will resign are dispelled by multiple sources.  Some minor renovations are made to the college during the clean-up of the mess after the construction of Bosley Memorial Library Hall.  Two baseball games, played against Mechanicsburg and Gettysburg, are both won by Dickinson.  Field Day is held after two rain date delays, and is a great success. 

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Dickinsonian, April 1886

The challenge of combining and cataloging the society libraries is discussed.  The Ramblers' Walking Club is the latest craze at Dickinson.  The Sophomore Oratorical Contest is planned.  The recently formed Pennsylvania Inter-Collegiate Baseball Association is disbanded due to a lack of interested schools.  The Union Philosophical Society holds their anniversary, and the Baltimore Alumni Association holds a reunion. 

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Dickinsonian, March 1886

The formation of the Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Inter-Collegiate Baseball Association give Dickinson students access to larger fields of play and more opponents.  Efforts to produce a Microcosm cease.  The Athletic Association decides to reject recognition of the separate teams created by the pro- and anti- co-education factions in the Freshman class, and the idea of a combined team is also rejected.  An underground co-education group is created, with rumors that it is named The Dickinson College Co-Ed Woman's Rights Association

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Dickinsonian, January 1886

Plans for an inter-society debate are taking shape.  Calls for a song about Dickinson are published.  Inter-class baseball games are planned between the Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen.  The Bosler Memorial Library Hall is almost finished, and in the wake of its opening the societies discuss aggregating their holdings into one.  The alumni record of the college is about to be published, much to the satisfaction of all. 


Dickinsonian, December 1886

Phi Beta Kappa is granted a charter for Dickinson College.  The football program comes under scrutiny after the death of E. Herbert Garrison the previous month.  Rumors fly around the school regarding the admittance of a "colored boy" in the Preparatory School, as well as the hazing of a Freshman student the previous month as a punishment for honorable conduct.

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Dickinsonian, November 1886

Strong censure is placed on some members of the Freshmen class after they haze a fellow first-year student as punishment for attending recitation on time.  A Mr. W. C. Allison of Philadelphia donates funds so that Memorial Hall can be heated in the winter.  Dickinson loses a football game to Lehigh 0 to 26, and against Lafayette 24 to 5.  E.

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