Dickinsonian, February 1884

Students are criticized for studying on the Sabbath.  Relations between students and professors are notably peaceful.  Rumors spread that South College is to be dedicated entirely to the Preparatory school.  The only known existing portrait of President Durbin, the first President of the College, is donated to Dickinson until a duplicate portrait or bust can be donated by the owner, President Durbin's daughter Fletcher Harper.  The annual Day for College Prayer is observed on January 30 with a sermon from Rev. W. S.


Dickinsonian, June 1886

Tempers flare and issues arise regarding the rumors of President McCauley's resignation.  Dickinson is challenged to a boat race by Wilson College in Chambersburg, but it is cancelled due to an injury.  The Union Philosophical Society holds their annual Oratorical Contest, as does the Belles Lettres Society.  The baseball team wins against Pennsylvania College in Harrisburg 26 to 12.


Dickinsonian, May 1886

Rumors that President McCauley will resign are dispelled by multiple sources.  Some minor renovations are made to the college during the clean-up of the mess after the construction of Bosley Memorial Library Hall.  Two baseball games, played against Mechanicsburg and Gettysburg, are both won by Dickinson.  Field Day is held after two rain date delays, and is a great success. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 1877

An alumnus reminisces about the long-forsaken Shakespeare Club.  The Union Philosophical Society challenges the Belles Lettres Society to a joint debate in the College chapel.  Religious meetings are held with the President of the College.  Seniors have dinner with President McCauley and his family.  Sophomores travel to Mechanicsburg by sleigh overnight, perhaps to visit a female college.


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1874

The College Regatta is discussed, and its benefits debated. The Dickinsonian announces the possible institution of a law course into the curriculum. The death of the valedictorian of 1874 in memorialized, with special inserts by the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity and the Union Philosophical Society. President McCauley returns from the British Wesleyan Conference to fanfare from the Carlisle Band.


Dickinsonian, July 1887

Commencement is held.  The Junior Class Oratorical Contest is held.  The Board of Trustees defends President McCauley and the actions of the Faculty regarding the Hill Case.  Sigma Chi, Chi Phi, and Phi Kappa Psi hold banquets.  Field Day is held.  Dickinson beats Letort in baseball 17 to 6.
