Dickinsonian, July 1887

Commencement is held.  The Junior Class Oratorical Contest is held.  The Board of Trustees defends President McCauley and the actions of the Faculty regarding the Hill Case.  Sigma Chi, Chi Phi, and Phi Kappa Psi hold banquets.  Field Day is held.  Dickinson beats Letort in baseball 17 to 6.


Dickinsonian, March 1887

The legal battle between the Faculty and a reprimanded student over the issue of freshman hazing reaches a peak when Judge Sadler issues a mandamus against the Faculty.  To this point, a very detailed summary of the case proceedings is presented.  Mr. W. C. Allison, a benefactor of the college, visits and pledges more money so that the gymnasium can be supplied with proper equipment.  The Belles Lettres Society holds its annual anniversary banquet.

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Dickinsonian, December 1886

Phi Beta Kappa is granted a charter for Dickinson College.  The football program comes under scrutiny after the death of E. Herbert Garrison the previous month.  Rumors fly around the school regarding the admittance of a "colored boy" in the Preparatory School, as well as the hazing of a Freshman student the previous month as a punishment for honorable conduct.

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Dickinsonian, November 1886

Strong censure is placed on some members of the Freshmen class after they haze a fellow first-year student as punishment for attending recitation on time.  A Mr. W. C. Allison of Philadelphia donates funds so that Memorial Hall can be heated in the winter.  Dickinson loses a football game to Lehigh 0 to 26, and against Lafayette 24 to 5.  E.

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