Dickinsonian, May 6, 1873
The West College Reading Room opens. The roof of South College is replaced. Chi Phi to host convention. Former Dickinson Professor Tyndall creates a (not restrictively Dickinson) scholarship for scientific research.
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The West College Reading Room opens. The roof of South College is replaced. Chi Phi to host convention. Former Dickinson Professor Tyndall creates a (not restrictively Dickinson) scholarship for scientific research.
President James McCauley obtains two mirrors and alumni donate a total of three paintings for the Reading Room in West College.
Construction begins on a reading room in Old West. W. F. Spottswood, J. H. Black, and O. B. Super are elected editors of the Microcosm.
The senior and junior class election results announced. The Allison Law Society and Dickinson Law Society announce their new officers. The question of silver versus gold standard for currency is debated. The law students hold regular Moot Courts. Delta Chi moves to the third floor of the Stuart building. The YMCA hosts R. L. Cumnock for its second entertainment. The hot water in the gym is increased and the reading room hours are extended, as requested by the students. Dr. and Mrs. Reed host an informal tea for the faculty and their families.