Dickinsonian, May 1889

President Reed is inaugurated into the college.  President Reed begins offering elocution lessons to each class.  The Glee Club is commended for the music they furnished at President Reed’s induction.  An athletic field is supplied by President Reed at the request of the students.  Slight improvements and renovations are made to the College Chapel.  A centennial celebra


Dickinsonian, May 25, 1912

Inauguration of President Noble is planned. Professor George A. Crider leaves Dickinson to become a pastor. Summary of track and baseball seasons. Dickinson performs poorly in fifth annual intercollegiate track meet. Harry McKeown wins gold medal and Wesley P. Griffiths wins silver medal in Pierson oratorical contest. Theodore Bunger receives fellowship to American School at Athens, Greece. List of members of Class of 1912. Financial report of the Dickinsonian for the 1911-1912 year.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1933

Student committee on social affairs and the faculty social committee to change organization of social functions. About 25 students plan to go to Washington, D.C. for Franklin Roosevelt's presidential inauguration. Junior class votes to have Microcosm dedicated to Mr. Malcolm, the college's treasurer and superintendent of the grounds and buildings. Plans for students to go to a performance of one of Wagner's operas commence. Metzger Hall gets brighter lights by request of its residents. President Waugh proposes changes to the curriculum, which the faculty will vote on soon.

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Dickinsonian, June 3, 1932

Professor Russell I. Thompson to receive PhD from Yale due to thesis focusing on Carlisle public schools. Class Day held for seniors. President Karl Tinsley Waugh inaugurated. Profile of Karl Tinsley Waugh. The Dickinsonian places ninth in the nation at collegiate newspaper competition. Summary of 1931 football season. General Alumni association holds elections to its board. John Wesley Oler is highest academic achiever of class of 1932, receives James Fowler Rushing prize. Davis Roland Hobbs is second-highest academic achiever of class of 1932, receives John Patton memorial prize.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1929

"Grand Old Man of Dickinson" J.H. Morgan steps down from presidency as Mervin G. Filler, fourteen year dean, takes the reigns at the inaugural ceremony.  Boyd Lee Spahr, class of 1900 and president of the Alumni Association, presides over a luncheon as part of the ceremony.  Brigadier General Frank R. Keefer, class of 1885 and Surgeon General of the United States Army is among those to give an address.



Dickinsonian, April 18, 1929

Prominent educators and public men prepare to take part in the inauguration ceremony of Mervin G. Filler, the eighteenth president of "Old Dickinson".  Clarence A. Welliver is elected as student leader of college band.  William S. Bender wins oratorical contest held in Belles Lettres Hall for his speech on "Lincoln and the Constitution".


Dickinsonian, October 17, 1946

Inauguration of President William Wilcox Edel is planned. Former president C. William Prettyman dies from cardiovascular disease. Helen B. Norcross becomes dean of women. The Commons in the old gymnasium and the chemistry laboratory in the Tome Scientific Building are remodeled. Warren Spencer is elected Student Senate president. Sara Andrews becomes Student Senate secretary. John Alder Myers is elected Student Senate treasurer.


Dickinsonian, October 15, 1987

Dorm intrusions continue, though door are still being found propped open. Quotas for faculty publishing are discussed. Homecoming weekend to also feature inauguration of Dr. A. Lee Fritschler as president of the college, with a speech by Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Maryland. The Metzger-Conway series will also be part of the homecoming events. Greek Carwash raises over $1,100. Board of Trustees to meet Friday. Alumni voices dissatisfaction with pre-health recommendations. Mermaid Players preview "Royal Family", to premiere this weekend. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, September 26, 1975

Pres. Sam Banks receives "many challenges from various speakers" at inauguration. College administration develops plan to evaluate "current administration practices." Banks speaks on need to "reexamine duties" in inaugural address. Junior Tim Hoerner wins McKinlay Scholarship. Featured are photos and clips from various speeches at inauguration.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1961

Opening night of Moliere's "Tartuffe" reviewed. Samuel Hayakawa to speak on the use of language. Rubendall's inauguration recapped. West German exchange student Harold Heinze comments on West-East split and UN action. Martha Young makes a comparison between racist inclinations in the North and in the South. TV show "Route 66" films in Carlisle.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1961

$2 goal set for Campus Chest fundraiser. Biographical information on President Rubendall is given; inauguration ceremony plan highlighted. Newton Aiken, editor of Baltimore's Evening Sun, to speak. Campus movement to reinstate lacrosse gains momentum. Ravi Shankar performance reviewed. Phi Delta Epsilon selects new members. Summer improvements cost $30,000.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1961

Information on AAUP censure possibly being lifted. Rubendall meets with fraternity representatives to discuss ongoing policy issues. Billy Butterfield to play at Military Ball. Inauguration of Rubendall planned. New exhibit in Bosler features Japanese prints. Special course offered in Radiation Biology. Dr. Shilling to speak on campus about religion and science. $125,000 from Central PA Conference of Methodist Church to go to new student union. Senate advisor selected; senate approves WDCV as permanent campus organization and is given $1,200 from sinking fund.

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