Dickinsonian, June 6, 1953

Commencement Issue. Seven men to receive honorary degrees - Five of whom are Dickinsonians. Commencement brings to a close the first year of the Men's Glee Club. The Dickinson College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors celebrates its Fifth Anniversary. The Theta Chi fraternity returns the Dickinson Mermaid. New rules regarding Freshman hazing are announced. Article reflecting on the first year of the Dickinson ROTC Program. New Rushing regulations announced. Review of Dickinson athletic teams.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1953

Dr. William L. Tayler is elected to serve on the National Council of the American Association of University Professors. Omicron Delta Kappa named the Dickinson College Debate Team as the most outstanding college activity. Profile on Dickinsonian Ted Adourian. Dickinson Baseball defeats Western Maryland College.


Dickinsonian, April 17, 1953

Dr. Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., will be on leave next year, serving as a visiting professor at the College of William and Mary. John Scott - author, lecturer, and foreign correspondent for Time magazine and Life magazine - will speak at an upcoming chapel meeting.The Dickinson College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors to hold its annual dinner. Julliard String Quartet to perform. Details of Spring Formal. Profile on student athlete Jim Pritchard.


Dickinsonian, May 31, 1958

The American Association of University Professors censures the administration of Dickinson College. Construction work on the Allison Methodist Church and C. Scott Althouse Hall of Science continue on schedule. The Student Center Committee to submit student survey results to the trustees. Hon. Arthur Langlie to speak at tomorrow's Commencement ceremony. Article discusses the inadequacies and discomfort of the Mermaid Players' facilities. The Track Team completes its best season since 1915. Phi Kap's named Inter-Fraternity Champions. Dickinson Swimming wins its 17th consecutive meet.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1974

The faculty endorses five proposals introduced by the College chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Food services blames water for student's sickness. The Mermaid Players will present Under Milk Wood for their first production this year. The library proposes extended hours due to student requests.

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Dickinsonian, April 6, 1973

Faculty approves the formation of the Student Academic Grievance Board. Students engineer a boycott on meat. Sheila Tobias presents a talk on the dual role of women. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) features a document on "Freedom and Tenure." Geoffrey Holder gives an "outstanding performance", highlighting the third night of the Black Arts Festival. The third Bicentennial Symposium is entitled "Civil Religion in America"; the Keynote Speaker is to be Robert Bellah. Abstract Expressionism is the topic of the current Art Show in the HUB.

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Dickinsonian, October 27, 1972

The Ad Hoc Committee on Student Personnel Services meets to acquire "more feedback...especially from students." Michael D. Hall and others are to participate in the Young Artists-in-Residence Program. Meyer Rheinhold will give the Morgan Lecture in Classics at an "unprecedented two-day meeting." In Dana Hall, George Beatty is to deliver a multimedia lecture on the "minute happenings of our natural world." The Outing Club gets renewed.

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Dickinsonian, March 28, 1969

Student Senate passes measures including a proposal on independent housing. AAUP (American Association of University Professors) chapter declares that Prof. Ralph Sandler "has no claim" for his recent grading experiment. Bernard Greenhouse to perform in Old West.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the AAUP removes Dickinson from its censure list. Dr. Eduardo Mondlane of Mozambique to speak in chapel. David R. Jefferson joins campus as Dean of Admissions and N. Ronald Pease joins as Dean of Men. Alpha Chi Rho penalized for social rules violation. Mermaid Players present A Thurber Carnival. Dickinson mourns the loss of bookstore manager and assistant treasurer of the college George A. Bobletz. The Isley Brothers to highlight IFC weekend. 12 new professors join faculty. Dr. Philip P. Hallie to present at Socratics meeting.

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Dickinsonian, February 9, 1962

Alumnus and trustee Judge Robert Woodside declares candidacy for Republican nomination for governor. Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary School reaccredidation evaluation report submitted. AAUP evaluation committee to submit report at April meeting on issue of removal of censure. Dickinsonian begins "Quotes of the Week" column. Review of the fist Belles Lettres Revue. Professor Frank Warlow reports on French academic life in the first of a four part series. United States Atomic Energy Commission awarded college grant to purchase nuclear science equipment.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1961

Health staff discourages use of drugs designed to help students stay awake. AAUP evaluation of campus climate to take place in January. Dickinson's identification as a Christian college does not take away from its liberal arts mission. Library announces prize for senior with best book collection. Omicron Delta Kappa conference addresses different issues on campus, including the function and importance of the Dickinsonian and social rules for first-year males. Dr. Schilling's talk on science-religion raises discussion. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, October 20, 1961

Information on AAUP censure possibly being lifted. Rubendall meets with fraternity representatives to discuss ongoing policy issues. Billy Butterfield to play at Military Ball. Inauguration of Rubendall planned. New exhibit in Bosler features Japanese prints. Special course offered in Radiation Biology. Dr. Shilling to speak on campus about religion and science. $125,000 from Central PA Conference of Methodist Church to go to new student union. Senate advisor selected; senate approves WDCV as permanent campus organization and is given $1,200 from sinking fund.

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Dickinsonian, September 21, 1961

First issue of the new year is a special issue that discusses developments over summer that cannot be postponed to later in the semester when first issue would normally be released. WDCV ready to begin operation. New women's dormitory to begin construction in February. Rubendall to assume role as 24th president. Dickinson moves to be removed from AAUP (American Association of University Professors) Censure List. New rules introduced concerning student social behavior. Omicron Delta Kappa taps new students. Pi Delta Epsilon announces new inductees and sophomore and senior prizes.

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Dickinsonian, April 28, 1961

Report on the trial of Robert Meisenbach after San Fransisco student protest of the House Un-American Activities Committee. Ben Giorgio names new Editor-in-Chief of Microcosm. Letter from Dr. Rubendall to the college prior to his arrival. Professor Wishmeyer and Dean Barbara Stevens marry. ROTC inspections successful. Editorial on American Association of University Professors and on Dr. Rubendall. Aquacade performances receive great acclaim. Recap of Agnes DeMille's opening talk of Arts Festival. Anticipating Parents Weekend activities. Phi Mu Alpha to present concert. Dr.

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Dickinsonian, March 17, 1961

Priestley award goes to Dr. W. Maurice Ewing of Columbia University, Geophysicist. Malcolm Reports Dickinson's progress is on improvement. Senior Fred Richardson reserves Woodrow Wilson award for chemistry research. John Dingee takes over as Senate president. Loan from the federal Community Facilities Administration for a new dining hall and women's residence hall (probably Adams). Dickinson Follies to present The Boyfriend. Solution to Denny Hall pigeon nuisance investigated. New issue of the Hornbook published, contents disappointing.

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