Dickinsonian, October 28, 2010

Global Education is developing new summer abroad programs. Vargas Llosa, a past Stellfox winner, receives the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature. Club Ice Hockey claims their first victory of the season with a win against the University of Maryland. Women's Soccer continues success and breaks records. Cross Country performs well at Gettysburg and Penn State and prepares for the upcoming Centennial Conference.


Dickinsonian, January 30, 1997

Russian political figure and head of the Communist Part, Gennady Zyuganov to speak at the Public Affairs Symposium. Dickinson Law merges with Pennsylvania State University. Safety and Security offers a rape defense class. Professor Robert Markley of West Virginia University addresses the global environmental issue during Common Hour. Senior Holly Shaginaw breaks an Indoor Track record. Men's Basketball wins their sixth straight game, beating King's College. Basketball Coach Dave Frohman records his 100th career win.


Dickinsonian, March 3, 1927

Leader of the British Youth movement, Harold F. Bing will discuss "The World Challenges to Youth" at the next Y.M.C.A. meeting. Dickinson Men's Basketball wins against Gettysburg. Men's Football defeats the Pennsylvania State team. Thirty-nine consecutive victories counted for the Men's Basketball team (Over a period of six and a half years).


Dickinsonian, May 31, 1958

The American Association of University Professors censures the administration of Dickinson College. Construction work on the Allison Methodist Church and C. Scott Althouse Hall of Science continue on schedule. The Student Center Committee to submit student survey results to the trustees. Hon. Arthur Langlie to speak at tomorrow's Commencement ceremony. Article discusses the inadequacies and discomfort of the Mermaid Players' facilities. The Track Team completes its best season since 1915. Phi Kap's named Inter-Fraternity Champions. Dickinson Swimming wins its 17th consecutive meet.


Dickinsonian, December 14, 1957

Further discussion of holiday concerts. Students carol in chapel. Article on students studying abroad in Europe this summer. President Edel to choose two students to fill the vacant spots on the Cultural Affairs Committee. College faculty announces changes in the 1958-59 curriculum. The Dickinson Swimming and Wresting teams to debut their seasons. Profile on student athlete Bobby Kline. The Dickinson ROTC Riflemen defeat Pennsylvania State University in a match.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 2004

This issue includes further discussion of Michael Moore's visit, mentioning that Moore was unable to visit the College due to an illness. Rachel McCool '07 scheduled to appear on JEOPARDY! game show. Controversy over expulsion of Sigma Chi fraternity. Discussion on President Durden's protege, Dr Michael Brown, an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow. Confirmation of Carlisle Police Department and Dickinson Public Safety teaming up to crack down on college parties.
