Dickinsonian, November 11, 2010

A Greek Life panel draws a large crowd. Pakistan Flood Relief Concert beats fundraising goal. Dickinson and the Carlisle Family YMCA forge an agreement. Football wins against Juniata. Swimming victorious against Scranton. Women's Soccer to host the NCAA Regionals.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 2010

The college receives a grant to expand their rape prevention and sexual assault awareness program. WDCV radio hosts a music concert with Isis and Ton-Taun. MOB plans a hip-hop concert including Chris Webby and Mac Miller. Club Hockey wins against Mount St. Mary's. Women's Soccer records their 13th shutout game. Volleyball beats Washington College. Cross Country finishes second at the Centennial Conference Championships.


Dickinsonian, October 28, 2010

Global Education is developing new summer abroad programs. Vargas Llosa, a past Stellfox winner, receives the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature. Club Ice Hockey claims their first victory of the season with a win against the University of Maryland. Women's Soccer continues success and breaks records. Cross Country performs well at Gettysburg and Penn State and prepares for the upcoming Centennial Conference.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 2010

Reason for the rise in underage drinking incidents explained by Chief of Public Safety, Dolores Danser. Sigma Alpha Epsilon attempts a comeback after having several issues with the college. The NAACP establishes a chapter at Dickinson. Review of Kid Cudi concert. Women's Soccer continues winning streak with victories against Susquehanna and Juniata.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 2010

A recent addition to the Cafeteria, the KOVE gains popularity. Spectrum holds First Annual Stonewall Vigil. Field Hockey wins against Muhlenberg. Women's Soccer defeats Johns Hopkins. Men's Soccer rebounds with a win against Ursinus. Volleyball beats ranked Muhlenberg team.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 2010

Performance artist David Garibaldi performs in ATS. Carlisle main roads under construction to reduce traffic. Debate over themed parties hosted by Greek Life. Professor Sandra Soto gives a lecture on the Arizona immigration issue. Women's Golf places fourth in home opening match. Women's Soccer defeats top-ranked Messiah team.

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Dickinsonian, September 23, 2010

President Durden travels abroad to Berlin, Germany, to attend a reception by the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation. Dickinson Public Safety to offer a student shuttle service. Multi-Lingual Writing Center opens. Men's Soccer remains undefeated. Women's Soccer begins a winning streak.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 2010

Students honor Nate Kirkland '11 by working to establish the Nathaniel M. Kirkland Memorial Scholarship and holding the Nate Kirkland Film Festival. Joey Goldstein earns several golf awards as he finishes third in the Centennial Conferences. Profile of the student athlete Emma Murtaugh.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 2010

Fire in Dana Hall. Students studying abroad on the Norwich Science Program along with Professor Marcus Key are stuck in Iceland due to the volcanic ash hovering above northwestern Europe. Mock Trial returns from Nationals, and Reco Sanders '11 receives an All-American Attorney Award and an All-American Witness Award. Women's Tennis defeats Gettysburg. Track Team performs well at the Mason-Dixon Invitational. Men's Lacrosse heads to the Centennial Conferences. Profile on student athlete Tyler Magann.


Dickinsonian, April 15, 2010

Special Interest Housing changes. Students burgled while on spring break in Costa Rica. Dickinson signs an agreement with the U.S. Army War College to deepen their relationship. District Court Judge for D.C., Richard J. Leon spoke at the college. Men's Lacrosse Team continues to succeed this season with several victories. Profile of student athlete Abby Larson. The Men's and Women's Tennis Team also win their recent matches against McDaniel and Muhlenberg.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 2010

The college updates its hazing policy. One of this year's Metzger-Conway Fellows and world-renowned choreographer, Vince Patterson '72 lectures and provides student choreographers with feedback. Women's Tennis beats Haverford. Baseball Team wins against Gettysburg. Profile on student athlete Sean White.


Dickinsonian, April 1, 2010

Library to install solar panels. Mock Trial Team heads to Nationals. College plans to renovate the Law School Cupola atop the Curtilage building. The Geology Department is renamed the Earth Sciences Department. Both the Men's and Women's Tennis Teams win their first matches of the season. Men's Lacrosse Team ranked fifth in the nation.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 2010

A group of Dickinson men continue to push for the initiation of an international Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi. Dickinson Public Safety and Student Senate launch the Safe Ride Program. Two students are arrested at a local bar, causing Fast Eddies to tighten its security. Pleasurable Sex Chat addresses men's and women's sexuality. Two major snowstorms cost the college about $25,000. Profile on student athlete Ross Anstaett. The Baseball and Men's Lacrosse Teams begin their seasons with game victories.

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Dickinsonian, March 4, 2010

Article on the recent Haiti Benefit Concert. Changes on the housing lottery are made. The English Department hosted their annual Cogan Alumni Fellowship event, featuring Frank James '79. Dickinson launches an iTunes U Channel. Men's Lacrosse starts their season off strong with a win against Susquehanna. Women's Lacrosse defeats Messiah. Men's Track wins the 2010 Centennial Conference Championships. Profile on student athlete Ellie Mackintosh.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 2010

Various campus and local performing arts groups prepare for the Haiti Benefit Concert. Campus hosts the annual POSSE Plus Retreat. Author Rebecca Skloot visits campus to discuss her book. In the DuCharme Invitational for track, the men's team finished on top and women's came in third. Women's Basketball heads to play-offs after defeating Gettysburg and Franklin and Marshall. Profile on student athlete Chris Heine.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 2010

Students respond to repeated assaults by Carlisle resident, Darien Leggs, and the relationship between Dickinson and Carlisle. Art Haüs suspension upheld. Early admissions numbers rise. Details of the Public Affairs Symposium event on sports in society. Club Ice Hockey defeats Gettysburg and Johns Hopkins to win the championship. Women's Basketball wins against Washington College to clinch a spot in the playoffs. Profile on student athlete Alesha Sisco.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 2010

Arts Haüs gains support in its opposition against suspension. Tuition to increase by 3.5%. Faculty salary freeze causes controversy. Clark Forum hosts Art Spiegelman. New campus meal deals offered. Profile on student athlete Greg Smart. Brooke Muller and Alesha Sisco lead the Women's Basketball team.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 2010

Editor of Newsweek and Pulitzer-Prize-winning author, Jon Meacham to speak at Commencement. The Arts Haüs is suspended. The Public Affairs Symposium Committee makes speaker changes. Students plan a benefit concert for Haiti. Students mourn the death of recent Dickinson graduate Alex Brown. Profile on student athlete Jessica Hassinger. Article on new Men's Basketball coach, Alan Seretti. Swimming performs well, placing them high in the Centennial Conference. Men's Basketball wins against Gettysburg.

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