Dickinsonian, April 8, 2010

The college updates its hazing policy. One of this year's Metzger-Conway Fellows and world-renowned choreographer, Vince Patterson '72 lectures and provides student choreographers with feedback. Women's Tennis beats Haverford. Baseball Team wins against Gettysburg. Profile on student athlete Sean White.


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1995

The Metzger-Conway Series being held provides students with the opportunity to see what lies ahead following graduation. Article describes the lack of handicapped access to campus buildings. Article discusses the move of students to attend community colleges as result of growing tuition prices. Students debate over whether prayer should be in public schools.


Dickinsonian, October 15, 1987

Dorm intrusions continue, though door are still being found propped open. Quotas for faculty publishing are discussed. Homecoming weekend to also feature inauguration of Dr. A. Lee Fritschler as president of the college, with a speech by Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Maryland. The Metzger-Conway series will also be part of the homecoming events. Greek Carwash raises over $1,100. Board of Trustees to meet Friday. Alumni voices dissatisfaction with pre-health recommendations. Mermaid Players preview "Royal Family", to premiere this weekend. Dr.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 17, 1991

College report evaluates the status of women on campus. Plans for renovation of ATS begin. Issue of Bosler hours temporarily resolved. Part 2 of the special report on the trustees: board members comment on their responsibilities. Common Hour kicks of Metzger-Conway series. ALLARM receives recognition for its efforts. Tax policy creates friction between the college and the community. Plunkett Bar offers a social alternative to students. The truth behind fall pause. Interview with Ned's Atomic Dustbin. Lhamo Dancers perform as part of the Tibetan Festival. Review of the movie "Paradise".
