Dickinsonian, March 4, 2010

Article on the recent Haiti Benefit Concert. Changes on the housing lottery are made. The English Department hosted their annual Cogan Alumni Fellowship event, featuring Frank James '79. Dickinson launches an iTunes U Channel. Men's Lacrosse starts their season off strong with a win against Susquehanna. Women's Lacrosse defeats Messiah. Men's Track wins the 2010 Centennial Conference Championships. Profile on student athlete Ellie Mackintosh.


Dickinsonian, October 16, 1897

The Law School opens with its largest number ever, and an improved course of  three years, rather than two.  The class of 1898 elects its class day officers.  An article encourages faithful participation in the YMCA Bible study courses offered.  A new elective in English Drama is offered.

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Dickinsonian, January 12, 1933

A. J. "Dad" Elliot, a Christian leader, challenges students to engage more in Christian practices. Many freshmen, the registrar reveals, are related to former Dickinsonians. The annual Doll Show was held Dec. 16, 1932 and resulted in $40.00 being donated to the Shiremanstown Home along with dolls and other gifts. German club showing a "talkie" in the annual German picture showing. Students ratify the new Athletic Association constitution. Prof. Albert H Gerberich investigates the genealogy of film actress Lillian Gish. Dramatic Club to perform "Haunted House" Thursday, Jan. 19th.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 1928

Several sports teams begin their campaigns: the track team in a dual meet against Schuykill at Biddle Field; the tennis team against the netmen of Franklin and Marshall; and the baseball team away against Penn State University.  It is announced that United States Commissioner of Education John James Tigert, L.L.D., will be the commencement speaker on June 4th.  Professor Leon C. Prince becomes set to deliver a series of addresses throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland following his March 29th address on "Modern Axes and Ancient Landmarks".  Professor Paul H.


Dickinsonian, June 5, 1948

The Class of 1948, the largest class in college history with 200 students, graduates. Four new faculty members, three professors of English and one professor of philosophy and religion, are hired for the fall semester. No Microcosm yearbook is published this year due to lack of funds. Phi Beta Kappa inducts 12 seniors. A retrospective of the events of the year appears, as does a tribute to prominent graduating senior students.

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Dickinsonian, October 17, 1947

Fraternities pledge 125 new members among the men's fraternities and 60 among the women's for a total of 185 in their most active rushing season since before World War II. George W. Rickey presents a lecture on art and a demonstration of portrait painting. A guest editorial by Senator Harry Bird appears on taxation and government spending, as well as a rebuttal by the Dickinsonian staff. Five part-time instructors are added to the English, German, mathematics, and Romance languages departments.


Dickinsonian, October 3, 1947

Professor of English Charles L. Swift retires. Enrollment rises above 900 for the first time in college history. A massive reappraisal project is undertaken to include all academic departments and extra-curricular activities. Significant changes are made to attendance, grading, and vacation policies. Dr. Amos B. Horlacher becomes the first Dean of Men. A short discussion of student senate election policies appears in a letter to the editor. Course offering are expanded to include Russian, art, architecture and several new professors are hired.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 2005

College may consider upgrading RA pay plan. Few details of ROTC harassment incident emerge. Future bright for class of 2010 based on fall open house. Local intelligent design debate creates cultural conflict. English Department quietly raising poetry awareness for National Poetry Month. High school football coach Bill Yoast depicted in Remember the Titans to hold leadership session on campus. Women's Soccer shows no mercy.


Dickinsonian, February 6, 1986

Nancy Lindgren, director of the Holland Union Building, and Dean Kremer, Student Senate president, have been clashing over misinformation on when Student Senate elections should be and their discrepancies have caused quite a stir on campus. A sub-committee has been created to examine the College's policies on investments in South Africa. The College's Food Service is working to expand the kitchen and dining hall since the former business manager, Barry Gaal, stated that the preparation area was too small for the College's size.

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Dickinsonian, November 17, 1983

The all-college Student Affairs and Services Committee held an open discussion on the role alcohol plays on campus. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity's 24 hr polesitting marathon took place Friday and raised over$2000 for M.A.D.D. Author, Critic, and NYU professor Denis Donoghue presents "The Presence of the Past in the 18th Century" as the English department's Core Lecturer. The Library opens an exhibit entitled "A Thousand Days: The Kennedy Presidency" to mark the 20th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination.

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Dickinsonian, February 8, 1979

In this issue, students are angry over Professor Dennis Klinge's denial of tenure and some formed an organization, the Committee to Retain Klinge, to protest against it. Another committee, the Mediation Committee, is currently deciding whether to reconsider tenure for Professors Dennis Klinge and/or Marjorie Fitzpatrick. Diver Chris Daubert has an article featuring him being the only male diver on the team. "The Dickinsonian" asks for student's opinions on favoring the discrimination of marijuana.

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Dickinsonian, September 28, 1978

In this issue, the English Department has undergone one of the first departmental evaluations and was determined to be a strong department. Rumors surround two campus houses, Dickinson West and Louther House, as the places may or may not be used for future housing. The Men's soccer team is undefeated thus far in the season. A decrease in thefts has been predicted by Earnest "Lucky" Talbot for the school year.

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Dickinsonian, July 31, 1975

The school will throw its first annual McKenney Cotillion all-college party for summer school students. Nancy L. Winkleman is appointed director of publications and is the first woman named to that position. The first step in renovations of the dining hall begin with the laying of new carpeting. President Banks will address senior officers at the U.S. Army War College as the first guest lecturer of the year.

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Dickinsonian, February 13, 1970

Dr. George Wald is the recipient of the 19th Priestley Memorial award. The Public Affairs symposium draws to a close with a call for environmental activism. The winners of the Student Senate elections for president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary are announced. SMC plans to distribute antiwar newsletters on the upcoming national conference. English 101 course offerings will be announced before students select classes. Vincent Price gives a poetry lecture on campus.
