Dickinsonian, December 9, 1982

The Carlisle area faced a 5.6% unemployment rate for the holiday season. A student group helped to set up decorations around town and have received much praise from the community. Mary Powell, new director of the Health Center, has already made huge changes to the center, including a small laboratory and gynecological services. The Dance Theatre Group's most recent performance, "Rough Cut" shows a new style of dancing. New records were set by the men and women's swim team by Lawrence Ellis, Kathy Kramaric, Barbara Wood, Jill Bissel, and Linda Clark.


Dickinsonian, November 18, 1982

Students and staff lament about new legislation by President Ronald Reagan that forces male college students who sign up for financial aid to also register for the military draft. Leonard G. Doran has been named Executive Assistant to the President for External Affairs. Nuclear awareness is promoted on campus through various groups and films. The Swim Team won its first meet of the season. Men's ice hockey has an even score so far this season.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1982

Dave Robertson has been hired as the new director of the new Weiss Center for the Arts. A questionnaire was released by the Office of Admissions aimed at alumni about the value of a liberal arts education had positive results. An article comments upon college romances and their success or not. Men's Cross Country takes 9th place and Women's Cross Country takes 3rd place at the Middle Atlantic Conference Championship.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 1982

The College releases its renovation plans for Bosler. Carlisle Area United Way has received much support and donations from College administrators and students. The Counseling Center is looking to hire a professional placement counselor. Women's volleyball ends their season positively with a win. Women's Field Hockey also ends their season with a win.


Dickinsonian, October 21, 1982

The Arts Center has officially been named the Emil R. Weiss Center of the Arts and should be finished by early November. The Mermaid Players production of "The Importance of Being Earnest" was a huge success and sold out. Women's Field Hockey wins against Susquehanna and is having a successful season so far. Some college organizations participated in the successful Jamie Hoke Fund drive, which raised money for Jamie Hoke who was born with an incurable disease that causes his skin to blister and peel off at the slightest touch.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1982

BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) works to clear up misconceptions about their relatively new organization on campus. Three College-owned houses violated a 1976 zoning ordinance, which stated that no more than three unrelated people may live together in a single housing unit in a residential district. A new and continuing series was started at the College titled, "The Metzger Series," which will be used to introduce women to career possibilities. From observation, it appears that students attending worship services is on the rise.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1982

Fall Fest was once again a success in the community. Spanish and Italian Professor Grace Jarvis was one of 25 educators chosen in a national competition to spend six weeks studying Italian culture. New escort programs were created for students by students, such as The Dickinson Student Watch Organization, Phi Beta Escort Service and the EFFORT Escort Service. The Cross Country team lost its undefeated streak. Women's soccer won an important game against Lehigh, which evened out their record.

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Dickinsonian, September 23, 1982

The College's enrollment of ROTC scholarships have increased by 60% this year. Mary Arthur Powell will be heading the Health Center and is looking to offer more gynecological options. A new schedule has been released to allow students adequate time to get to temporary class locations since Bosler Hall is undergoing renovations.


Dickinsonian, September 16, 1982

A recent assault makes the College reevaluate its campus security. The College's radio station, WDCV has increased their wattage for broadcast-power, which led to a change in programming. The College added a new assistant director of alumni relations, Ann Hess Meyers, to bring in some new ideas. Hypnotist James Mapes stuns and surprises students with his performance at the College. A women's weightlifting class has now been offered and is led by a female sophomore student.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1982

President Sam Banks makes plans to renovate Bosler and Denny. The College adopts a new sexual harassment policy, which was the year's work of the Commission on the Status of Women committee. Diane Jefferson is the new counselor/coordinator of Minority Affairs at the College. Students discuss the renovation costs of Bosler and Denny Halls after the College just newly built a gymnasium and recently renovated the gym-turned-arts-building. The paper features a view inside the newly renovated Arts Center as it is due to be open soon.


Dickinsonian, September 2, 1982

The college adds a fifth sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, after almost a year of discussion on whether or not to add another sorority. Once again the college faces over-enrollment, but Admissions director Larry Mench proclaims that due to room adjustments there will be no artificial crowding. The new Arts Center is set to open six months early and will open with a Dickinson Arts Award show. The Washington Redskins have held their twentieth training camp at Dickinson this past summer.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1982

The Mermaid Players are successful in their rendition of 'A Country Scandal.' Kappa Sigma fraternity will now be housed in the Media House instead of the upper quads. Other fraternities that were relocated from the upper quads have been pleased with their displacement. Elaine Livas, a junior at Dickinson, received academic honors for a paper she wrote in the Fall of 1981. An Alumni Contact File was established by the Counseling Center to allow students to connect with alumni to pursue career opportunities.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1982

Dickinson has decided to participate in "Ground Zero Day" to make communities aware of the threat and effects of a nuclear war. Alpha Chi Rho fraternity is being charged in a case of social misconduct and is seeking an appeal. The Commission on the Status of Women released a questionnaire last week to see if there was a general interest in Women's Studies and the results were positive. The rugby team is currently undefeated.

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Dickinsonian, April 8, 1982

In this edition, the Math Department has been having trouble filling a professor's vacant position for almost a year and is looking for someone with a computer science background. The ROTC program has experienced a doubling of members this year, showing an increase in interest and participation in the program. Three years after the Three Mile Island nuclear explosion, the site is considering reopening the plant among many local people who oppose them. Nina Ledis, a junior at Dickinson College, was crowned Miss Cumberland Valley. Professor Donald W.

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Dickinsonian, March 18, 1982

El Salvador has become a major world issue due to violent conflicts. At a Tuition symposium, sponsored by Sigma Chi Fraternity, treasurer James Nicholson and director of Financial Aid Donald Raley discussed proposed financial aid cuts for the 1983 school year. Broadway Night, a series of performances meant for charity, was a huge success. Men's rugby had its first historic win against Franklin and Marshall. Intramural men's basketball championship left Adams 2nd East the champions. The equestrian team starts off its new season with a spring show.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1982

The Pew Memorial Trust is source of a recent grant that the College secured to help expand the College's computer system. The Panhellenic Council met last week to approve the formation of a fifth sorority. Boxers Ron Sing and Larry Russo will compete in the Eastern Conference Boxing Championship. In the Middle Atlantic Conference championship, the men's swim team took third place and the women's swim team took seventh. Oscar Leon wins a title in a table tennis tournament.

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Dickinsonian, February 25, 1982

Student senate officers have been elected, and by a large margin. The Central Pennsylvania Consortium and the Dickinson's Commission on the Status of Women held a conference on "Women's Point of View." An article discusses why Americans are "infatuated with fitness." The Cultural Affairs sponsored a performance by Will Stutts' of Walt Whitman that was successful.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1982

the Public Affairs Symposium's topic this year was "Human Rights" and the keynote speaker this year was Hodding Carter III, former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. Candidates for Student Senate are featured in an article. Dave Levitt studied abroad in various locations in the Far East for a semester and gives advice to readers. Dave Freysinger has become the new leading scorer for basketball. The Women's Basketball team has made Dickinson history by competing in the Middle Atlantic Conference's tournament.

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Dickinsonian, February 11, 1982

The Kline Center, which has been open for four semesters, is undergoing maintenance for various areas that are damaged due to design problems. The Metzger Series, aimed at introducing Dickinson women to successful female alumnae, since it is considered that there are few female role models on campus. Dave Freysinger, a senior basketball player, is twelve points away from breaking the College's all-time scoring record. An article discusses the pros and cons of sorority life. The College added a new sports organization, Women's Squash Club.


Dickinsonian, February 8, 1982

In this edition, the College's tuition has been raised by $1,005, which makes the total cost almost $9,000. Another housing shortage occurs at Dickinson, and many students look towards off-campus housing. The Russian Club has sponsored Russian Festival Week, which has Russian-style dinners, performances and music. Men's basketball is doing extremely well this season. The swim team was victorious in their most recent meet.

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