Dickinsonian, October 9, 1953

Classical music program added, made possible by a donation of records and a high quality record player made by the class of 1953. Former professor Donald Morrison appointed head of the State Civil Service Commission. College to offer evening courses to Carlisle residents. World University Service Conference to be held at the College. Mermaid Players announce expansion of program. Former professor Eric Barnes accepts position as chair of American Civilization at the Free University of Berlin, new director of the University's Institute of American Studies.


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1952

Dean Dr. William Tyler returns to campus after conducting classes elsewhere worldwide. Professor Whitfield Bell, Jr., presented a paper on Early America in Williamsburg, Virginia. The Cultural Affairs Committee announces the arrangement of three musical events to take place in Bosler Hall in the future. The Little Theater production fo "Beggar on Horeback" will be the first arena type play at Dickinson. The Department of Political Science announces sponsored trip for mid-November to the new United Nations Headquarters on the East River.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1982

Student senate officers have been elected, and by a large margin. The Central Pennsylvania Consortium and the Dickinson's Commission on the Status of Women held a conference on "Women's Point of View." An article discusses why Americans are "infatuated with fitness." The Cultural Affairs sponsored a performance by Will Stutts' of Walt Whitman that was successful.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1974

Paul Ricoeur will present this year's Morgan Lectures on "Towards a Philosophy of Imagination." The Food Service Director discusses cost cutting tactics with Student Senate. Twelve faculty members apply for the $30,000 research and development grant. Five women's field hockey players land spots on the Central Penn Association all-star team. A promising basketball team looks forward to an exciting season. A calendar of upcoming November and December events is published.


Dickinsonian, February 26, 1971

Low enrollment in the Bologna program may require drastic changes in order to stay viable with under twenty students. Student Senate addresses the grading proposal to be presented by the Academic Standards Committee. The Proposal states that pluses and minuses will be added to grades to create an 11 point system and that of the 34 courses needed for graduation, 24 must be graded while the rest can be pass/fail. Poet Don L.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1967

Dave Brubeck Quartet is slated to perform this Friday night in the Carlisle Senior High School gymnasium. Eric Rundbaken will take over duties as the news editor for the Dickinsonian for the remainder of the semester. Phi Epsilon Pi puts on Fall Auto Rallye. United Telephone Company proposes a system in which a telephone would be placed in every room. A profile of the Open Door shows a vital creative pulse within the Dickinson community. Dickinson group Charlotte's Web is set to play at Holy Communion ceremony. Alphi Chi Rho presents financial contribution to new Spahr library.
