Dickinsonian, February 25, 1982

Student senate officers have been elected, and by a large margin. The Central Pennsylvania Consortium and the Dickinson's Commission on the Status of Women held a conference on "Women's Point of View." An article discusses why Americans are "infatuated with fitness." The Cultural Affairs sponsored a performance by Will Stutts' of Walt Whitman that was successful.


Dickinsonian, November 14, 1975

Local artist Florence Lyon to display watercolors in HUB. Robert Hage of Dartmouth College submits thirty recommendations on College's financial aid administration. Prof. Brubaker issues textbook Court and Commedia: The Italian Renaissance Stage. The Pre-Law Society is forming subgroup to deal with issues of women and law. Will Stutts' Mark Twain performance is favorably reviewed.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1975

Actor Will Stutts to present Evening with Mark Twain in ATS. An ice cream freezer and menu board are added to snack bar. Faculty favors plus-minus grading system. College plans a variety of cultural events for America's Bicentennial birthday. Prof. Happe is promoted to US Army Major. Committee for Social Alternatives puts on Burlesque Night.

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