Dickinsonian, February 25, 1982

Student senate officers have been elected, and by a large margin. The Central Pennsylvania Consortium and the Dickinson's Commission on the Status of Women held a conference on "Women's Point of View." An article discusses why Americans are "infatuated with fitness." The Cultural Affairs sponsored a performance by Will Stutts' of Walt Whitman that was successful.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1974

The Beaux Arts Trio will perform in ATS. Special interest housing advocates explain rationale at Senate meeting. The Spanish and Art Workshop programs are eliminated by the Student Affairs Committee. In the HUB, a slide show of "The Postwar War" in Vietnam is presented. Also in the HUB, Judge Lisa Richette is to speak on women's equal rights.


Dickinsonian, February 15, 1974

Tom C. Clark delivers the keynote Public Affairs Symposium speech. In preliminary ballot voting results, students favor the Berman Resolution for off-campus housing. Associate Dean for Residential Services Stephen Markwood notes this school year as having the lowest freshman fraternity participation ever for College. Senior Gail-Ann Rickert wins Marshall Scholarship. In the HUB, the Carnegie Art Collection (donated to the College in the 1920s) will be on display. "Spring Festival Weekend" in May will hold workshops by the Philadelphia Folk Society.
