Dickinsonian, February 15, 1990

Several campus groups endorse nationwide student environmental demonstration, Dickinson students to join PA section at the State Capitol building in Harrisburg. Housing Board holds information session to outline changes in the special interest housing application process. Library's AV room renovated. Harmut Mechtel, founding member of the largest opposition group in East Germany speaks in Memorial Hall.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1981

The Dickinsonian is awarded All-American status by the National Scholastic Press Association for the third semester in a row. Dr. Donald Knuth wins Priestley Award. Issue of special interest housing is discussed at Student Affairs committee meeting. New Policy and Management Studies Program is approved by the faculty. Duke University Professor Robert Entman speaks to students about sensationalist journalism. Four fraternities strongly consider the option of moving out of the quadrangle. Denny Hall celebrates anniversary of reconstruction. The Claude Kipnis mimists perform at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1975

An amended version of the Steiner-Backer resolution for special interest housing is adopted by faculty giving special interest groups clearly affiliated with an academic program housing priority. Allan continues to defend the abolition of Dean's List. Student body officer elections result in Marty Redman as president, Seth Ray as vice-president, and Gil Sperling as treasurer. The Admissions Committee seeks change in Advanced Placement exam credit. The Mermaid Players production of Rashomon receives great reviews. A subcommittee calls for better athletic facilities.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1974

The Beaux Arts Trio will perform in ATS. Special interest housing advocates explain rationale at Senate meeting. The Spanish and Art Workshop programs are eliminated by the Student Affairs Committee. In the HUB, a slide show of "The Postwar War" in Vietnam is presented. Also in the HUB, Judge Lisa Richette is to speak on women's equal rights.
