Dickinsonian, March 12, 1981

The Dickinsonian is awarded All-American status by the National Scholastic Press Association for the third semester in a row. Dr. Donald Knuth wins Priestley Award. Issue of special interest housing is discussed at Student Affairs committee meeting. New Policy and Management Studies Program is approved by the faculty. Duke University Professor Robert Entman speaks to students about sensationalist journalism. Four fraternities strongly consider the option of moving out of the quadrangle. Denny Hall celebrates anniversary of reconstruction. The Claude Kipnis mimists perform at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1977

Another one of many recent fires in Adams Hall raises suspicion, an investigation and a need to make all dorms more safe. Pennsylvania universities are concerned with the lack of funding aid to higher education and worry about future crises. Professor Robert Entman calls for more student-faculty interaction in the cafeteria and an All-College Committee on Resources has been formed to evaluate the situation. The Personnel Subcommittee is revising evaluations to allow for more student input.


Dickinsonian, July 31, 1975

The school will throw its first annual McKenney Cotillion all-college party for summer school students. Nancy L. Winkleman is appointed director of publications and is the first woman named to that position. The first step in renovations of the dining hall begin with the laying of new carpeting. President Banks will address senior officers at the U.S. Army War College as the first guest lecturer of the year.

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